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CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE"you know i'll do anything you ask me to"

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"you know i'll do anything you ask me to"

narrative and text

JANUARY 4th 2023


it was the day diana was dreading, the day paige was going back to uconn. the date paige took diana on yesterday was perfect and everything and more that diana could ask for.

as diana wakes up she feels paige's arm rapped around her and she hears her light snores. diana was the happiest she could be. she had everything she could ever want. "good morning" diana hears paige say in a low voice. "good morning" "ugh i don't want to get up." paige's says tucking her head back into diana's shoulder. "me either because that means that you are going to leave." diana says already sad thinking about paige leaving. "i know but ill be back and you'll come visit me soon. the girls miss you." paige says kissing diana's shoulder.

"i miss them too, especially kk." diana tells paige thinking about the girl that is really one of the funniest people she has met. "when i tell her you said that she will be over the moon." "oh i bet she will." diana says laughing. "guys wake up, i made food." caitlin yells from the kitchen. "well let's go see the mess she made." diana says as her and paige get out of bed walking to the kitchen.

"good morning love birds." jada says as the two girls walk in, hand in hand. "good morning, i didnt know you guys were here." diana tells her three friends that don't live with her. "we stayed the night." kate says taking a bit of her food. "should of known." diana says as her and paige start to eat. "so paige what time do you go back?" gabbie questions the girl. "at 1:30, why trying to get rid of me." paige says jokingly "yes i am." "have you started packing, i mean it's already 11 and if your flight is at 1:30 then you have to leave at 12." caitlin says as she likes to have a schedule for everything. "yes i packed last night." "don't even talk about her leaving." diana says not wanting paige to leave.

"ready to go?" diana asked paige as she grabs her bags. it was 12 and diana wasn't happy about it, she wished time didn't go by so fast, especially when she was with paige. "no but i got everything." paige says just as upset to go as diana is for her to leave. "well come on, we still have the car ride." diana says trying not to be to sad right now, they still had 45 minutes left together. "yea we better go before caitlin yells at us." paige says laughing and rapping one arm around diana's waist and her around arm carrying her bag.

those 45 minutes were the fastest 45 minutes of diana's life. the three girls had gotten to the airport right on time but diana wished that they were late and paige would have missed her flight and had to stay but of course that wasn't the case especially with caitlin's time management.

"well" diana says with a sigh hugging her girlfriend and putting her hands into the girls neck to cry without many people seeing her. "hey i'll be back and you will come to connecticut, we will see each other soon. i promise." paige tells diana as the girl cry's in her arms, paige starts to feel tears run down her face. the two girls had gotten very attached over the passed few days, it was now even harder to leave each other then it was the time before. "i know but i'll miss you paige." diana says through her sobs. "i know and i will miss you too, diana i think im in love with you." paige says as more tears fall down her face. paige wasn't planning on telling diana that she loved her so soon but it just felt right, paige needed the girl to know that she was in love with her no matter where she was. "yea i think i love you too paige." diana says pulling away from the girl to look at her. "you better go, we will be ok." diana says giving the girl a soft smile but with her eyes still filled with tears. "yea we'll be just fine." paige says as she pulls the girl in for a kiss.

the kiss wasn't like the soft little kisses that they had shared before, this kiss had much more passion and pressure. the two girls were kissing like it was there last kiss. "ok i better go or ill miss my flight." paige says as she pulls away and wipes diana's tears then her own. "just one more kiss?" diana says with a smile. "you know ill do anything you ask me too." paige says laughing but kissing the girl one more time before she walks into the airport, waving at the girl she was so in loved with.

"you ok?" caitlin ask diana as she got back into the car. "yea i am, now let's get food." diana says drying her face one last time.


as paige landed she had texted nika to ask her where she was at and she also texted diana to let her know and to tell her she already missed her


i landed, i miss you. i'll call you later.

i'm glad, i miss you too and im looking forward to that call 🤞🏼😋

all paige could do was smile at the text, she knew she made the right choice in telling diana that she was in love with her. now paige couldn't wait to tell her friends about the time she spent with her girlfriend.

heyyy y'all
i finally decided to write and not be lazy
i think this chapter sucks but you know how much i care at this moment, not that much to rewrite it, so if it sucks tell me so i will rewrite it.
anyway enjoy

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