A Random Couple (I)

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A Random Couple (Female Alpha×Male Omega)

Sorry, the prologue is so long, the next ones won't be so long I promise...

"Are you still watching the rerun of the news?"

Gaheo nodded, a bit up upset minded, before turning his fair neck away from the projection screen to face Aphmi; his wife and the person who just spoke.

"Damn. I know it's the the first empress coronation in over five generations and everybody's excited... but aren't you Amangondians following the festivities too religiously?", she teased as she handed him the drink he asked for, still warm in his compression bottle.

It was non alcoholic of course. He had to be sober to take of their baby; Gami.

Their lovable crybaby had a unfortunate habit of waking up at the most inconvenient of times and it was tiring.

Despite this, Gaheo didn't want the A.I nanny Aphmi bought to touch their precious baby- EVER.

Call him old fashioned, but he believed there were some things humans should do and some things machines shouldn't- no matter how advanced.

Ok...he was just possessive of his precious baby.

But considering he almost died bringing him into the world and that he might not have another child as a recessive omega...he had every right to be.

Gaheo's slender emerald eyes followed Aph as she smiled down at him, and slumped down their black interactive couch that he insisted on getting.

She shuffled towards him and gently pulled him closer; with a skill that was almost commendable, but not surprising considering her arm strength and control.

Gaheo snuggled closer, breathing in the woody scent of her pheromones that always seemed to calm him down.

It was a while before he spoke again and when he did his voice was a lazy drawl.

"Can you blame me? It's so extravagant and luxurious that I can't help but follow every single step."

"I thought I was lucky enough to be born with parents that where high up in society, but this event makes my family look like paupers."

"I am simply glad I could withness this historical event in my lifetime. It's unfortunate I wasn't noble enough to attend. My cousin is so lucky", he breathlessly.

He was obviously excited, almost fangirling over the event.

How Amangondian of him.

Aph chuckled. "Damn. If your family are paupers then mine must be death row prisoners or slave miners. Besides, it's obviously gonna be extravagant it's the imperial cornation and seating after all".

Gaheo nodded, then immediately looked up and jokingly glared at his alpha.

"Putting all that aside, how many times have I told you not to swear...or compare our families? You know I don't care about that. Also, I wouldn't want Gami picking up any bad words".

Aph rolled her sloping silver eyes. Her husband was way too...stuck up sometimes.

She nodded but seeing those adorable eyes of his, she suddenly grinned and had the urge to...tease him.

Teasing him was probably her favourite thing to do...second only to collecting vintage art. You know, the one's drawn of actual paper.

"Oh, and what are you going to to if I don't? Are you going to punish me?", she asked flirtatiously, sliding her right hand lower down his waist and stroking it under his thick sweater.

Gaheo's eyes went wide in shock for a moment but only just, before grinning as well and throwing his hands over her neck.

"I do not know... are you going to let me punish you?", he flirted back, batting his eyelashes.

The two stared at each other, almost obsessively, the scent of their pheromones thick in the air and the news completely forgotten.

Their faces moved closer, a mere fraction later and their lips would have met.

Except at the very moment their precious child decided cry, breaking the ambiguous atmosphere.

It was further enhanced from the baby alarm from the A.I blaring throughout their home.

"Oh Gami", Gaheo mumbled, his voice thick with frustration, muffled by him pressing his lips into his alpha's neck.

Aphmi patted his back in sympathy. "Hey you know. I could feed him. I'm also his parent. You look tired. Rest. Don't do everything by yourself".

Gaheo glared at Aph, genuinely this time.

"After you dropped him last time? No, I think not", he stated as he pulled away from her and wore his fur slippers, heading to their child's room.

Aphmi cooked a silver eyebrow as she watched him go, not even trying to defend herself that it was an accident or that Gami fell into his crib unharmed or that it happened three months ago.

It was no use.

She shrugged. Why the hell were omegas so possessive of their newborns?

She took the compression bottle he hadn't opened, clicked on the heating option and shook it and watched the news with a bored look on her face.

Unlike Gah, she looked at the rerun of the event which happened days ago on the screen before her with boredom.

Gah had the adorable notion that she was more excited than him because the newly chosen empress was Yukinish- same as her.

If anything Aph felt pity for him. Which sane person would willingly become the empress of Amangondia?

Average citizens were snobbish enough. Hell, Aph didn't even know how the new empress looked like. All she knew was that he was rumored to have black hair- the rarest trait in the world.

His face was covered by a luxurious pearl veil, because according to Gah, ordinary people could not look upon the imperials. It was tradition.

He was only a human but OK???

Aphmi shook her head and clapped twice- turning off the hologram and news. She drank the milk in the bottle in quick gulps and placed it on the floor for the cleaning bot to take care off.

She headed for their bedroom, though she was it's only occupant had been her ever since Gami was born.

It seemed she would be sleeping alone again tonight.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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