Awful character that will win: Hey watch from bftfpp
Watch from bftfpp: what
Awful character that will win: I was wondering, if p-
*ACTWW gets crushed by turf*
Turf: your first challenge is to get rid of the chemicals that turn THE FRICKIN FROGS GAY
moon: fuck you I'm not doing that
*conester throws moon into the gay water and moon sucks up the gayness from the water*
Turf: wow! Amazing! Spectacular! Did I mention amazin-
One of you DUMBASSES will be eggslingered tomorrow
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Home Depoty. stop sign. moon. Wall. ACTWW watch from bftfpp
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The Wattpad-ly object show ALL CHAPTERS
HumorThis is not an object show but on Wattpad, this is originally made on Wattpad no voting since this is ALL CHAPTERS