The Start of the Fun Pt. 1

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It was a normal day at the daycare. Everyone was playing regularly, as usual, running around and having fun. But was it actually such a normal day after all?

Chef called all of the kids to sit on the carpet. ''Alright everybody, listen up!'' He yelled. Everyone scrambled over to the carpet and sat down. ''There's going to be someone visiting us today. Her name is Amelia Robinson. I want you all to to behave with her. '' Duncan rolled his eyes, making Courtney glare at him. ''Alright, she'll be here soon, so act like normal kids for once, please!'' 

''Well, I'm the most normal kid here.'' Courtney told Chef smiling, causing everyone to groan. ''Now now, Mi amigo.'' Said Alejandro. ''Everyone knows that I'M the most normal person here.'' They started arguing back and forth until Chef cut them off. 

''My god, none of you are normal! Now be quiet, Ill be in my office.'' It was quiet for a moment, until everyone jumped up and started running around, not aware off what was yet to come. 


In an hour or so, a woman burst through the door causing everyone to stop what they were doing. The woman had long dark hair and caramel colored skin and was wearing a green dress. 

''Hello, everyone.'' She said, smiling. ''Who and you and what are you doing in my daycare?'' Asked Heather. ''But, Hailey, this isn't your dayca-'' Heather cut Lindsay off. ''SHUT IT!'' ''Well I'm just gonna be here for a while.'' The woman smiled as she pressed a button, putting the whole place on lockdown, everyone staring in fear. ''Let me just assign you to your teams. Oh, also, I'm pretty sure Chef told you about me! I'm Amelia. 

Amelia placed Cody, Courtney, Heather, Bridgette, Noah, Sierra, Lindsay, Beth, Tyler, Ezekiel, DJ, and Gwen on a team called The Flaming Teddy Bears. 

''The Flaming Teddy Bears?'' Asked Gwen, not phased   by the whole lockdown situation. ''You managed to make that sound both scary and not scary at the same time.'' 

''What, the flaming part?'' Asked Amelia

''No, the teddy bear part.'' Responded Gwen.

Amelia looked confused for a second, before naming the other team. Alejandro, Duncan, Katie, Sadie, LeShawna, Harold, Eva, Izzy, Owen, Geoff, Justin, and Trent were on the Silly Zebras.

''Uhm, miss..'' Asked Cody. ''Why are you locking us up in here?'' 

''Oh, right. I didn't explain that bit yet.'' Amelia said. ''As you can see, I've placed you on two teams. Your team will compete in challenges. Each challenge you lose, I will deactivate the barrier for a bit and let the person you voted off out of the door, where they will get in a car taking them home. At 11 contestants left, you'll play individually and win challenges for yourself. And the winner gets.. A million dollars!'' 

Everyone looked super shocked, before Courtney raised her hand. ''What are we even gonna do with a million dollars?'' ''Well, I don't know.'' Answered Amelia. ''What's the first challenge, anyway?'' Owen tilted his head slightly. 

''Capture the Flag.'' Said Amelia. 


Yay, I've finished the chapter! It's so short- 

Who do you think is gonna win? 

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