The Start of the Fun Pt. 2

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(Yes, I know I forgot Sugar, Lighting, and Jude, but they'll be back!)

Amelia deactivated the barrier temporarily to let everyone outside to a nearby yard. She gave everyone on the Silly Zebras blue flags, and everyone on the Flaming Teddy Bears red ones. She drew a line across the yard to separate the two teams. "Alright, here is how you play!" She exclaimed. "Take each flag from the opposing team and bring it to your side without being tackled! If they retrieve the flag, you're gonna have the try again. But, if you are able to keep it, the person you stole the flag from is out. The first team with all of the opposing teams flags win!"


Courtney: Hah! If anyone were to win this challenge, it would be me. I am very clever after all. I just need to figure out a strategy.. 


"Alright, you ready? Three. Two. One.. Go!" Yelled Amelia

Everybody started running across the yard, and Izzy managed to take Tyler and Beth's flags. Tyler attempted to tackle her, but fell on his face, giving Izzy time to sprint to her side. She stuck the flags in the grass, and jumped with joy. 

Beth and Tyler walked to sit on the sidewalk with frowns on their faces.

While Izzy was jumping, she was obviously distracted, so Noah was able to grab her flag, take it to his side successfully, and get her out. 


Noah: I may not be good at sports and all, but capture the flag is different. 


"Izzy!" Cried Duncan. "How could you let that happen?" Izzy shrugged and skipped over to the sidewalk. 

"You'll pay for that, Noah!" Duncan yelled.

"Oh, will I now?" Noah smirked.

Duncan raised his eyebrow and looked in his hand. Turns out Courtney had stolen the flag.

"You gotta be kidding me.." He sighed as he walked to the sidewalk.

So far, it's tied. But who is gonna win?

Heather tried to take Eva's flag, but Eva managed to tackle her.

"WOOH, GO EVA! BOOM BOOM!" Izzy cheered from the sidelines. 

Gwen was just standing there, not doing anything, so Owen just walked over and took her flag. No one attempted to tackle him, so Gwen was out. 

"Come on, are you guys even trying?!" Asked Courtney. "Well, I am." Smiled DJ.

"Oh, be quiet!" The brunette yelled. She was so distracted yelling at everyone on her team that Geoff was able to to take her flag without any problems. She looked shocked.

"Aw, it's okay!" Said DJ, trying to comfort her. 

"Thanks..." Courtney sighed, calming down a bit. 

Sierra dashed over to the other side, managing to snatch Katie's flag, Sadie's flag, LeShawna's flag, and Trent's without being caught, then dashed back to her side and stuck the flags in the grass. 

DJ didn't wanna take anybody's flag because he considered it to be mean, so instead, he just handed over his flag to Harold, who just looked confused. 

Alejandro ran over and took Heather and Lindsay's flags, getting them both out. Heather was about to scream at him, but Lindsay stopped her.


Lindsay: I feel like Heather is doing way too much.. I mean, it's just a game!



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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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