Chapter Fourteen: Nightmares

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The night hung heavy and oppressive as Jake drifted into a fitful sleep. But as the hours passed, his slumber was plagued by haunting images and terrifying visions.

In his nightmare, Jake found himself back in the familiar confines of his childhood home. But as he wandered through the familiar rooms, a sense of dread gnawed at his insides, a feeling of impending doom that he couldn't shake.

Suddenly, the tranquility of the night shattered as the front door burst open with a resounding crash. Jake's heart pounded in his chest as he turned to see his father, Charles, standing in the doorway, his eyes filled with malice.

Without a word, Charles lunged forward, his hands reaching out to grab Jake by the hair. With a cry of pain, Jake was dragged from the safety of the house and into the darkness outside.

The night air was cold and biting as Charles dragged Jake to a nearby tree, his grip like a vise around Jake's wrists. With cruel efficiency, he tied Jake to the trunk, his movements rough and brutal.

And then, with a chilling calmness, Charles began to beat Jake mercilessly, his fists raining down blow after blow on Jake's defenseless body. Each strike was like a hammer blow, sending waves of agony rippling through Jake's shattered form.

With each blow, Jake's screams echoed through the night, the sound of his anguish lost in the darkness. But no matter how loud he cried out, there was no one to hear his pleas for mercy.

As the nightmare reached its crescendo, Jake felt himself slipping further and further into the abyss of despair. But just as he felt himself on the brink of oblivion, a voice broke through the darkness, a voice filled with warmth and reassurance.

"Jake," the voice whispered, cutting through the darkness like a beacon of hope. "You're safe now. You're not alone."

With a start, Jake jolted awake, his heart racing and his body drenched in sweat. Gasping for breath, he looked around the room, his eyes wide with fear and confusion.

But as he caught sight of River sleeping peacefully beside him, a sense of relief washed over him like a tidal wave. With trembling hands, Jake reached out and grasped River's hand, clinging to him like a lifeline in the darkness.

And as the first light of dawn broke through the window, Jake knew that no matter what nightmares haunted his sleep, he would always find solace in the presence of his friend.

The Shifters Chronicles Book 2: Rivers RoadWhere stories live. Discover now