A Brilliant Mother

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The Dalmatians were all gathered in the dining room celebrating Mother's Day.

"Thank you, everyone!" said Delilah. "This has been such a wonderful day!"

"Anything for the best mom ever!" said Doug.

"You said it!" said Dolly.

"We couldn't be any prouder!" said Dylan.

"Yeah!" said the pups.

Delilah then realized something. "But you know what? There appears to be someone missing."

"Yeah you're right," said Doug. "Has anyone seen Hunter?"

"No," said Dolly.

"We haven't seen him all day," said Dylan.

"That's strange," said Doug. "Did he go out without saying anything?"

"I hope nothing's happened to him," said Delilah.

Just then, everyone heard the front door opening, and Hunter entered the dining room.

"Sorry for the lateness, everyone," said Hunter. "I was out working on something."

"Working on something?" said Dylan.

"Something like what?" said Dolly.

"Well I know today's Mother's Day, and you all have probably done a lot already. So I wanted to do something different." Hunter took a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolded it.

Dear Mrs. Delilah,

For the time that I've known you, I have seen that you're a determined, wonderful, and caring individual. As a descendant of a long family line, you have conquered many obstacles and endured many hardships to keep that line thriving. I am glad that you took in a once unfortunate soul like myself and made me a part of your family. You are indeed a brilliant mother, and I couldn't have asked for any other. Happy Mother's Day.

Your human son,


The Dalmatians were stunned.

"Wow!" said Dolly.

"That was amazing!" said Dylan.

"Well, I did have some help from Mika," said Hunter. "It's been forever since I've written a letter for someone."

Delilah happily made her way towards Hunter as tears of joy formed in her eyes. "That was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. I really appreciate the kind words, Hunter, and I'm very proud to have you as a son."

"You're welcome."

The two of them hugged.

"Awwww!" said the rest of the Dalmatians . 

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