✩ | Chapter 1: Brave Confessions

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In the hours of 6AM, Stacy remains comfortable on her soft side of the pillow as she continues dreaming about freedom and not belonging on no one's strings anymore.

She likes the imagination before it's interrupted by a brutal door slam from her mother.

"Stacy, why aren't you up yet? You have so little time to get ready for school!" Valeria shouts, making Stacy jump in a scare. Stacy is used to her mother yelling but still gets frightened at times. "Sorry mom, I just forgot to put my timer on. You know how forgetful I can get!"

Stacy responded as she gets out of her bed. She gets up facing Valeria. "Well, we don't have much time left, I have to comb your hair, prepare your food, make sure everything is perfect for you. The things I do for you, Stacy.." Valeria grunts in frustration.

"I'm sorry... I'll just get changed now." Stacy replies in a low, timid voice.

She exits the room to give Stacy some privacy. Stacy gets up and puts on her usual outfit she wears to school, as well as putting on her eyeliner and doing her makeup. She exits her bedroom and heads to the living room to see her mom waiting for her at the table. "Okay, I'm ready now Mom."

Valeria puts her hand in front of Stacy, gesturing that she needs to give her something.

"Give me your phone."

Not thinking for a second Stacy hands her the phone and just waits for her to finish what she's doing.

Valeria scrolls down Stacy's messages with Luke, searching if she is successfully bringing Luke closer to her.

"Stacy, this isn't enough. You need to flirt more with him. If you don't get a man like him in your life, you will die alone. And I'll tell you what little girl, I will not be there at your funeral. So you better make a family that will." Valeria says while pointing her finger closely to Stacy's face as she crouches to her height and gives her a serious look.

"I'm sorry. It's just really hard to talk to him because he's in that music club. He has more important things to do, you know?" Stacy replied back, trying to be assertive and defend herself.

"I do not care, Stacy. I'm telling you now that this is your only chance to get a man like him, because there aren't many like Luke. So you better confess your feelings to him once the opportunity comes around, or you'll be in MAJOR trouble." Valeria whispers in her ear.

"Right. I'll try harder. I'm sorry, again." Stacy responded, feeling a bit upset about her mother's words. Stacy always hated feeling like her mother was mad at her. If Stacy hated something more than imperfection, it would be her mother's hatred.

"Now go to school, you better hope that confession is good enough that Luke accepts it." Her mother whined. She pushes the door, leaving the house and closes the door. Waiting for Stacy in her car.

Stacy felt her face getting hot as if she was about to cry but stops herself. She didn't want her mother to get mad at her for feeling this way. She packed her lunch and then packed her stuff in her bag and then left the house, heading for Valeria's car, going inside and going to school.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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