.:| A Stupid Crush |:.

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"I swear, some cats are so unhelpful!"

Petuniapaw complained to Cougarcloud, sorting through the elder leaves by length. She wanted her mentor to ask her so she could launch into a tale of the unhelpful cat who came with her on herb patrol, the one who wouldn't stop grumbling about being led by an apprentice. As she sorted the herbs, the scar on her face seemed extra apparent, and her mentor obviously noticed.

"That scar only healed a moon ago, should I put another poultice on it?"

shook her head. "No, I'm fine. Plus, having a poultice will just make Heavypaw fret, and I really don't need that." She grumbled.

"Speaking of your brothers, why don't you go spend the rest of the day with them? I can sort the rest of the herbs." Cougarcloud meowed, looking up from whatever she was doing.

Petuniapaw blinked at her mentor appreciatively, her dark blue eyes flicking to the entrance of the den where Perchreed had just walked in. The other medicine cat smiled at the two.

"Cougarcloud, your kid was just calling for you." Cougarcloud looked up, "Which one? Volepoppy? Squirrelpaw? Mousechirp?"

Petuniapaw tensed, listening in closely to Perchreed's next words.

"Squirrelpaw." Perched shrugged, "She said something about getting a scratch during training today."

Cougarcloud looked concerned."I can check on her-"


Petuniapaw burst in, looking up. "I- uh.. I'll do it!"

Perchreed gave her a curious look, and even Mallowdrift glanced up from their rest to investigate what caused the apprentices shrill tone. Noticing the stares, Petuniapaw cleared her throat.

"It would be more convenient.. I am going there to check on Heavypaw and Stempaw.."

Without giving any cat time to argue, she grabbed the basic herbs for treating a small scratch and rushed out of the den, the massive shipwreck which overlooked the camp looming over the dens. As she approached the apprentice den, she couldn't help but hope her brothers weren't there, then maybe she and Squirrelpaw could just talk to each other one on one. As she entered the den, she sighed solemnly as it was packed. Sure, Heavypaw wasn't there, but Stempaw was, along with Whimsypaw, Fluffypaw, Currentpaw, and Boragepaw. She couldn't resist a small hiss of irritation at the fact that she wouldn't get to be alone with Squirrelpaw. She approached the cream smoke she-cat and tapped her shoulder gently with her tail. Squirrelpaw spun around, looking dejected and tearful.

"Cougarcloud-" She paused when she saw it was Petuniapaw,"Oh- turtledung." Squirrelpaw cursed.

Noticing something was up, Petuniapaw decided on a course of action.

"Everyone out!" The medicine apprentice announced, her tone snappy.

"What? I just got here-" Piperpaw started, prey hanging from their jaws as they were obviously in the middle of settling into their nests. Petuniapaw turned to them with annoyance.

"I said out, so get out."

While there was much grumbling, and a glare from her own brother, Petuniapaw couldn't care less. As the den became quiet, the only thing becoming apparent was Squirrelpaw's unwillingness to cry or show vulnerability. Petuniapaw scoffed audibly, though she did feel bad for robbing Squirrelpaw of what looked like a much needed moment with her mother.

"Tell me what's wrong. It'll help keep you distracted while I work on your scratch." Squirrelpaw nodded, presenting her foreleg with a scratch up this side. Yet, instead of speaking of what troubled her so much, Squirrelpaw just grumbled,"I must look so uncool to you right now."

Petuniapaw looked up from her work to stare at Squirrelpaw. "That seems unimportant to the current circumstances. Also, you could never look uncool to me, you saved me from that vicious seagull when I was a kit." Then as an afterthought she added more. "And you were only eight moons then."

The cream she-cat just scoffed, looking at one of the walls. "Yet I'm losing to see six moon old apprentices and being delayed my warrior ceremony even though both Volepoppy and Mousechirp have gotten theirs!"

Petuniapaw sighed, and licked Squirrelpaw's shoulder as a cat might do during a warrior ceremony with their leader.

"What was that for?" Squirrelpaw meowed, turning a questioning gaze towards Petuniapaw.

"Just wanted you to remember that you're strong. I think you're the strongest cat in the entire clan, even more powerful than Sunlightstar." Petuniapaw meant them earnestly, this beautiful dream cat in front of her was paws down her favorite cat in Heronclan history. And sure, she was only alive for 8 moons but still.

Squirrelpaw purred and smiled. "Thanks, I think you're pretty cool too."

"I don't think we mean it in the same way." Petuniapaw muttered, but she didn't elaborate. After all, nothing good would come out of revealing her feelings.

Everybody knew that medicine cats were forbidden from having relationships. In fact, the only reason Cougarcloud was able to have kits was because she wasn't in the clan when she gave birth to them. Petuniapaw almost wished she could run away with Squirrelpaw but she realized she was crazy off track so she decided to change back to the original topic at hand.

"You also do realize you're eleven moons right? You'll be on track for an on time warrior ceremony, being early isn't everything you know."

Squirrelpaw simply huffed. "I know, I know. It's just- we had practically the same training! Why are they so much better than me?"

Petuniapaw just shrugged. She didn't have an answer for that, but she would comfort the cream shekitty.

"Hey, there is a very solid chance you'll become a warrior this moon. Don't sweat it. Maybe we can even go on patrol together when you get your warrior name." Then, she quickly backtracked, "O-or something like that... if you want to. I mean- you might not..." She inwardly cursed herself and Starclan for making her such a bumbling idiot.

Squirrelpaw purred. "I'd love to patrol with you sometime. You're a pretty great friend, you know that?"

Petuniapaw hoped it wasn't too obvious how her face fell.

It's better this way.

That's what she told herself, but she couldn't get herself to believe it.

"Your wound is patched up, if you need anything I'll be in the medicine den." She turned around and padded out, hoping it wasn't too abrupt. She glanced around, only to catch Stempaw shaking his head.

"Bad luck little sister, but it's quite bold of you, a medicine cat apprentice, to want to pursue the same she as our brother." Petuniapaw paused, turning to her brother.

"Heavypaw likes Squirrelpaw?!"


she's a lesbian, your honor.

So anyways... yeah.. I just had so much in my mind about this clan that I decided having a book dedicated to it wouldn't be bad. Plus I have around.. 1120 words so... yay!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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