𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨: 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟑

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"Come on Itali, you got this!" Itali lowly spoke out loud in attempts to give herself the courage as she stood in front of her former high-school.

Today would be her first official day back in school after her attempt. Initially she was eager and excited to make her return to Central. She missed her old life and friends. But seemed as if as soon as she stepped foot back onto the campus her nerves got the best of her and her anxiety began to flare up.

Nothing but negative thoughts overloaded her brain. All she kept thinking about was how much attention was now going to be on her—and for all the wrong reasons at that. Knowing how fast word spreads in philly she already knew that she was going to be bombarded with a considerably large amount of questions regarding her incident.

And not even because they genuinely cared but instead to just be nosy. The lengths some would go just be in the know was unmeasurable. Itali hated when people didn't know how to limit their messy like she did.

"Deep breaths in." She instructed herself. "Deep breaths out." She exhaled, doing this a few times to calm herself down.

It's now or never

She pulled open the heavy steeled entrance door leading her into the familiar school. The crisp air quickly filled her nostrils as she footed into the bustling space. Everything looked & felt the exact same as she last remembered, so that was somewhat of a relief.

She was kinda early which meant that she only had one choice which was to wait in the cafeteria until first block began. The only bad thing about that was that most of the students who showed up early were bus riders meaning they were underclassmen. The good news about that was she'd have a little more time to herself to rehearse her story.

She quickly began making her way towards the rowdy cafeteria. Once she entered to she didn't even bother looking for any of her friends and instead focused her attention on spotting an empty table.

After finding one she immediately claimed it before anyone else could.

Now for this cover up story

She wasn't 100% sure on what exact details everyone knew about her attempt, so she knew it would be easy to flip it whichever she wanted to since obviously she was the one who experienced it.

Maybe she could say she just accidentally overdosed. I mean she did sometimes experiment with other drugs so could he believable.

Or she could say she was laced. Nah, that'd be a pretty fucked up thing to lie about.

What if-

"'Excuse me, Hi may I sit here." A soft voice spoke very lowly barely above a whisper.

Itali shifted her eyes over towards the area the voice was emitting from. Until she was face to face with the unknown women. It was a darkskin women who had to be at least 5"9 or taller. Itali assumed she was either nervous or extremely anxious based on how fidgety she was being.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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