Chapter 6 - Unravelling the truth.

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As Feerdaus, Putri, Jesslyn, and Watie sat in the hospital room with Z, the atmosphere was tense with anticipation. Z's face was still visibly bruised and battered from the attack, her eyes darting nervously between her visitors and the door as if expecting trouble at any moment.

Feerdaus cleared his throat, his voice gentle yet probing as he broached the subject of the investigation. "Z, we came here because we want to understand what happened to you," he began, his tone measured as he tried to gauge her reaction.

Z's gaze flickered to Feerdaus, her expression guarded as she listened to his words. "I told the police everything I remember," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I don't remember much. It's all a blur."

Putri's brow furrowed in concern as she studied Z's face, searching for any sign of deception or evasion. "Z, we need to know if you have any idea who could have done this to you," she pressed, her voice tinged with urgency.

Z hesitated, her gaze dropping to her hands as she wrung them nervously in her lap. "I wish I could help you, but I honestly don't remember," she confessed, her voice tinged with frustration. "It's like... like someone erased that whole day from my memory."

Before anyone could respond, the door to the hospital room swung open with a creak, and two detectives entered, their expressions grave and serious. Feerdaus, Putri, Jesslyn, and Watie exchanged surprised glances, their curiosity piqued by the unexpected visitors.

Detective Reynolds and Officer Ramirez wasted no time in getting to the point, their eyes fixed on Z as they addressed her directly. "Z, we have some questions for you," Detective Reynolds began, his voice firm and authoritative. "We found something during our investigation that we think you should know about."

Z's eyes widened in alarm, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for the detectives to reveal their discovery. Feerdaus, Putri, Jesslyn, and Watie leaned forward, their curiosity piqued by the cryptic statement.

Detective Reynolds reached into a folder and pulled out a plastic evidence bag, holding it up for Z to see. Inside was a pair of bloodied shoes, the stains dark and ominous against the pale fabric.

"These shoes were found at the scene of the crime," Detective Reynolds explained, his voice grave as he studied Z's reaction. "Do you recognize them?"

Z's eyes widened in shock as she stared at the bloodied shoes, her mind racing with confusion and fear. "I... I don't know," she stammered, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "They... they're mine... but..."

Feerdaus exchanged a meaningful glance with Putri and Jesslyn, their suspicions confirmed by Z's reaction. "Z, we need you to tell us everything you know," Feerdaus pressed, his voice firm yet compassionate. "Your cooperation could be crucial in solving this case."

Z's hands trembled as she reached out to touch the evidence bag, her fingers tracing the outline of the bloodied stains with a mixture of dread and disbelief. "I... I don't remember," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

As the detectives continued to question Z, Feerdaus, Putri, Jesslyn, and Watie exchanged worried glances, their minds reeling with the implications of the new evidence. And as they left the hospital room, the weight of uncertainty hung heavy in the air, overshadowing their hopes for resolution and casting a shadow of doubt over their once-trusted acquaintance.

Back at Danish's burger shop, Feerdaus, Putri, Jesslyn, and Watie sat in stunned silence, their minds consumed by the unsettling events of the day. The aroma of sizzling burgers and fries filled the air, but their appetites had vanished in the face of the grim reality they now faced.

As they waited for their meals to arrive, the conversation turned to the discovery of the bloodied shoes and its implications for the investigation. Speculations and theories were exchanged, but one thing was clear – they were more determined than ever to uncover the truth and bring justice to their fallen friends.

And as they sat together in the bustling burger shop, their minds racing with unanswered questions and their hearts heavy with the weight of uncertainty, they knew that their journey was far from over. But with each other's support and unwavering determination, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their quest for justice and closure.

Feerdaus, Putri, Jesslyn, and Watie decided to take a more active role in the investigation. They couldn't rely solely on the detectives and felt compelled to uncover the truth themselves. With a renewed sense of purpose, they left Danish's burger shop, determined to find more clues.

The first step was to revisit the manor where it all began. The abandoned property still held many secrets, and they were convinced that something vital had been overlooked. Armed with flashlights and notepads, they approached the dark, imposing structure, its eerie silence only adding to the tension.

As they explored the manor's dilapidated rooms, Feerdaus's flashlight beam caught something unusual—a loose floorboard near the back of the house. He knelt down and carefully pried it open, revealing a hidden compartment underneath. Inside, they found a collection of old letters, photographs, and a small journal.

Putri picked up the journal and began to flip through its pages, her eyes widening as she recognized the handwriting. "These are Isha's writings," she whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of sadness and curiosity.

Jesslyn leaned over Putri's shoulder, peering at the journal. "Maybe there's something in here that can give us more insight into what happened," she suggested, her tone hopeful.

As Putri read aloud from the journal, the group learned about Isha's growing fear and paranoia in the weeks leading up to her death. She wrote about strange occurrences, feeling watched, and a mysterious figure she only referred to as "Z." It was clear that Isha had suspected Z of something sinister.

Feerdaus's expression grew more serious with each revelation. "We need to find out more about Z's past," he said, his mind racing with possibilities. "There has to be something that ties her to all of this."

They decided to split up and dig deeper into Z's history. Feerdaus and Putri headed to the local library to search through old records and archives, while Jesslyn and Watie went to speak with neighbors and acquaintances who might know more about Z's background.

At the library, Feerdaus and Putri discovered that Z's real name was Zara Vincent, and she had a history of working as a gardener for various wealthy families in the area. They found newspaper clippings about a tragic incident from years ago involving one of her former employers—a family who had mysteriously vanished without a trace.

Meanwhile, Jesslyn and Watie spoke with an elderly neighbor who remembered Zara from her younger years. The neighbor recounted a tale of a troubled childhood, marked by loss and hardship. She mentioned that Zara had always been a bit of a loner, often talking to herself and exhibiting strange behavior.

As they reconvened at the burger shop to share their findings, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. Zara's troubled past, her connection to the vanished family, and Isha's suspicions all pointed to a dark and twisted motive.

Feerdaus, Putri, Jesslyn, and Watie knew they were getting closer to the truth, but they also realized that they were delving into dangerous territory. With the new information they had gathered, they decided to confront Zara once more, hoping to coax a confession or at least gain more insight into her involvement.

Returning to the hospital, they found Zahra sitting up in bed, her expression wary as they approached. Feerdaus took a deep breath and began, "Z, we know about your past. We know about the family that disappeared, and we know Isha suspected you of something. It's time to come clean."

Z was shocked that they knew everything about her. She asked them how, and they showed Isha's writings all about her. But Z insisted, "It wasn't me who did it. I don't remember how I ended up in the hospital; I don't remember that day at all."

Feerdaus, Putri, Jesslyn, and Watie exchanged skeptical glances. Putri leaned in, her voice gentle but firm. "Z, if you didn't do it, then who did? We need to know everything, even if it seems insignificant."

Z looked down, her face a mixture of fear and confusion. "It's all a blur..." she said quietly. "Before I went unconscious. I saw a figure looming over me but I couldn't figure out who it was."

They looked at each other for a moment, it felt like they went in circles. They thought they had everything in place, and now they went back in circles again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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