《Immorality of Despair》

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Immorality of despair,
We're keeping silent every day.
Like sitting in the gummy sphere,
We just have nothing more to say.
Two girls. Were growing up together
We know each other for a long.
But now we have such different feathers*.
And still are digging in the bones*.
The past is gold. We still remember
The days, when sun was shining bright.
We used to think it'll be forever,
But now... We're ready for the fight.
Looks like a really silly story
Don't judge us. We were truly young.
The love is dangerous, you know it.
That's not a flower in the lungs.
It bites. I'm teenage, thirteen, forteen...
The time is running very fast.
Old team was ruined. We're not longly.
We've always been a big contrast.
Immorality of dispair.
One girl's got older. One feels lost.
Life isn't soft. It is unfair.
But we're still digging in the bones.

* to have different feathers - eng. В буквальном смысле “иметь разные перья”, здесь - иметь разные интересы, взгляды на жизнь.
* To dig in the bones - eng. В буквальном смысле “копаться в костях”, здесь - неоднократно возвращаться к прошлому, не отпускать его.

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