Love at first sight - part 2

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As we entered the barn, he immediately locked the door behind me. - W-what are you doing?.. - I worriedly exclaim, barely getting the words out. - What I wanted to do from the start, - he says, whilst I feel my legs trembling from both worry & excitement. He continues, - hear your kitty purr.- Once I heard that, I was in utter shock, but in the same time, I was craving his touch! He pushed me down to the floor and began erotically kissing my neck. - W-we really shouldn't be doing this... - I stutter, but he ignores me. Before I said anything else, he lifted up my skirt and took off my underwear and started to finger my disobedient pussy. - You like that, kitten? - he says, but I don't answer becauee of my intense moans and groans. Right before I came, he took off his pants to reveal a 13 inch dick. As soon as he took them off, he started thrusting in me as hard and fast as he could, whilst letting out purrs and meows. I screamed in both pleasure and pain. Suddenly, he stopped - Shit, I'm performing soon! We'll finish this, kitten... - He quickly got up, put on his pants and started rushing to the arena, leaving me wet and miserable. I got up after some time and started heading to the arena to watch him perform.

I got there just on time. For the entirety of his performance, I kept staring into his gorgeous blue eyes while he was staring back at mine. While he was looking right at me, I adjusted my off-the-shoulder top to reveal a generous amount of cleavage. I looked at his pants and saw a boner, knowing he couldn't wait for the performance to finish so he can continue giving me erotic and passionate orgasms.

At the end of the song I spotted my friend. - Where were you!? - , I say in a harsh tone, - I looked everywhere for you! - -Whatever, I'm here now. - she says sounding annoyed. - We should go now. - After saying that, she pulled me out of the arena quickly.

We stood infront of the arena and chatted for a bit, when suddenly I see Marko approaching from afar. I think to myself, - Oh my god. I totally forgot about him!... I'm definitely getting it now.. - My friend looks at me concerned and asks if I'm alright, but I just nod it off. Marko came to us and said: - Sorry, I just need to borrow... - -Y/N. My names Y/N. - -Yeah, I need to borrow Y/N for a little while. Excuse us. - He tightly takes my hand and rushes to his backstage room. Again, he shoves me into the room and immediately locks the door. But this time, I didn't even get to say anything because as soon as he locked the door he pinned me to the wall and kissed my neck. - Marko, I— - - You stare into me so passionately and provocatively, give me a boner, and then run away? - he said loudly. I flinched and whispered - I-I'm sorry... It's just my frie— - Before I finished my sentence, he started kissing me all over my body and undressing me. Before I knew it, he completely undressed me and started thrusting me even harder than the first time. He was meowing and purring, and so was my kitty. I started moaning like crazy, but then he covered my mouth and started going even faster! Suddenly, we hear a knock on the door...

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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