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"Let me go with you.", it sounded like a pathetic plea out of your mouth.

You knew that there was no way in hell that you'd be of any kind of help. No matter Kyle had planned, you weren't meant to be part of it.

Calming, he grabbed you by the shoulders and pushed you back into the passenger seat.

"I know you're upset.", his voice didn't tremble, his words were clear and his head steady. "But you need to let me do my thing."

There he was, Kyle the soldier. He had gone from a soft, understanding man to a cold and calculated individual within seconds.

This was just one mission like any other to him.

Sucking in a sharp breath you fought back the panic and sat yourself down. A few deep breaths and the air chased away the fog that clouded your mind.

He was right. You needed to think straight, needed to stay back and put your trust in him. You had done this before. There was no need to panic now.

He got this.

"At least tell me ya plan, mate.", the guy muttered from a corner.

Kyle had introduced him as John, called Soap, a fellow sergeant who was part of his squad. He seemed friendly enough, not that this was something required in this situation.

Considering the fact that he had followed Kyle's request and had driven out all this way was a sign that the two of them must have been quite close.

Looking around, Soap led Kyle to his car that he had parked a little further down the street, far enough to not be seen by any police officer and opened the trunk.

"Couldn't bring a gun.", he said as Kyle pulled out a large combat knife.

"We don't want to hurt anyone.", he said and tied it to his upper leg. "Just in case."

Soap's blue eyes traveled to you, wandered over your body, examined the expressions that constantly changed on your face.

"He's a little jittery.", he noted and pulled out a black jacket to put it over his casual clothes.

"He's worried about his kids' safety. I'd be too if I were him."

"Think he's gonna stay back? We can't used interruptions. Or witnesses."

Kyle pulled a black bandanna over his head and pulled it back up to hide the lower part of his face. He looked up for a second before putting on a grey beanie.

"Even if he'd know where we're gonna do, he'd be the last one to rat us out.", he said and passed Soap another knife, but then hesitated. "You think the plan will work?"

He looked over his shoulder to meet his mates gaze. With a huff and a shrug, Soap crossed his arms in front of his chest and suppressed a small chuckle.

"Kidnapping back some kidnapped kids?", his eyebrows lifted as he thought. "We're not even authorised to act without an order. This is vigilante justice. We might get disciplinary proceedings if word goes around."

Kyle closed the trunk. Now he was entirely dressed in dark clothes, suitable for this kind of weather so it wasn't all that suspicious yet kind of off looking at second glance.

He thought for a moment. His eyes jumped back to you once more, took in the restlessness and desperation that choked you.

"You don't have to if you're worried.", he then said as he turned to Soap. "But I'll risk it."

Soap huffed.

"Ya seems so soft all of a sudden. Six weeks and ya turn into a family man?", he almost had to chuckle. "All that for a guy."

Kyle frowned, slightly sour, looked back to check on the police officers who guarded the gate and then jumped a small stone wall.

Soap followed, his head pulled in.

"You sound a little irritated that he's a guy.", Kyle noted as the two of them had made it to the back of the castle unnoticed.

Formations of old stone and wooden beams reached out of the ancient walls, creating an old but also very dangerous place to climb up into the castle yard.

Kyle tested the first edge for a good grip. Small stones rained down on his head as he set foot against the sandy walls.

Soap supported him from underneath, helped him push up. Then he reached out a hand to get up on the first stone as well.

Kyle ignored him as he tried to justify his words. He climbed further instead and by half of the way his breath was heavy and small beads of sweat shimmered on the dark skin of his forehead.

White ash and small stones stuck to his plans as he finally managed to grab the highest edge of the walls. One more pull and he let his weight roll over the battlements of the castle.

Finally solid ground under his feet again. Grunting and groaning, Soap followed. Not quite as elegant but smooth enough to stay unnoticed.

Below, in the small courtyard, stood a police car. From high above Kyle managed to spot your mother and father. Hysterical, they tried to argue with the police force, yelled and explained why they needed to act.

But the negotiator that had arrived seemed unwilling to listen.

"Ma'am.", his voice echoed from the naked, wet walls. "This woman is the mother of these children."

"She's not allowed to be around them!", your mother's voice was raspy from screaming. "My son has sole custody! And a restraining order against her!"

"We are trying to reason with the woman-!"

"Reason?!", your father huffed sourly. "She's an addict! You should take her into custody."

"She refused."

"Forcefully then!"

"It's not that simple... The kitchen is hard to reach, well positioned. She locked all doors and we can't get in without proper keys. Which she all stole."

Curling his nose in disgust, Kyle pulled away. He'd heard enough.

"Useless cunts...", he snarled and looked around for an indication where the kitchen might be located.

But before he could get moving again, Soap pulled him back.

"Bad timing, I know. But if it helps, Simon and I are dating.", he said without batting an eye. "So don't take my comment seriously."

Kyle blinked.

"Why am I not surprised?", he just said. "Confused... But not surprised."

Soap shrugged.

"Cause Simon always was head over heels for me?"

"Yeah... sure."

Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now