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Josh sat at his desk, it was in the late evening around 5:00. suddenly a girl came in. she had beautiful Flowing Brown hair,  Bright Hazel eyes that could attract any man. She had the office uniform on and she caught Josh's heart around her finger in a matter of seconds. he admired her body and how her curves fit the uniform so tightly before he spoke. 

"You must be my new assistant right?"  He spoke with a calm and collected tone. keeping his cool around a girl like her. she looked very petite well he was more of a 'i don't give a shit' kind of guy. 

"Yes, that's me."

she even spoke seductively.. shes such a dream. 

they smiled at each other, they could basically read each other like a book. if they were asked, they would never admit they loved each other.. I mean, he was her boss and she was his assistant.. It is FORBIDDEN LOVE. 

She looked at him with a seductive look, and he had a stone cold look even if his eyes were softened to his core. 

"Well could you pass these papers to the guy over there? Thank you."  He spoke with a blunt tone as he spoke. his eyes fixated onto her as there eyes adjusted to the ray of light that shined perfectly through the window. 

"Of course."

She nodded and walked off, her hips swaying in a light pace as she did so. he was staring at her walk off.. her hair waving a little as she walked. 

Josh face palmed, how could he love someone he just met? this was so stupid of him.. he then mumbled to himself. "She's perfect.." he spoke quietly. he was a man with brown hair and green eyes. he had a muscular frame too. 

She must have went to her own desk too after that, because she didn't come back . 

She thought about him too, it was not to do because he was the boss and she was just an assistant... how would that even turn into?

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