64~ loyalty turns to betrayal

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"Come from the back of the hospital, Sahil

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"Come from the back of the hospital, Sahil."

Yuvan just said and hung up the phone, rubbing his face looking exhausted. All he wanted was a chill vacation with his family. Then, as the door opened, he saw Sahil standing there by the entrance.

"How are you feeling?"

"Much better."

Yuvan responded and tried to sit, causing Sahil to step in to assist and help him sit properly.

"Where's Rajat at?"

"He will be right back, gotta hit the restroom real quick," Sahil said while settling down on the stool.

"Was it really him?" Yuvan asked, causing Sahil to nod in agreement.

"Did Jeevi go?"

"Yeah whil_____."

Jeevika bursts open the door, holding a medicine packet in her hand, her eyes fixed on the front scenes in bewilderment. She raises her eyebrows in an unexpected manner as she sees her husband and best friend - who were once enemies - sitting together. That's when It dawns on her that Yuvan didn't stop her from leaving the hospital because he had a plan in mind.

"Woahh Sahil, yakeen nahi ho raha hai yah dekh kar ki aap yaha par aaye hai."

(Wow Sahil, it's hard to believe that you are here when I see this.)

Upon hearing the mocking sarcasm in her tone, Sahil cleared his throat. Although he is not usually afraid of Jeevika, her current silent stare and overly sweet talks made him gulp nervously as a lump formed in his throat. The fear intensified as Yuvan also watched her enter the room when she slowly made her way towards the bed, eventually causing him to gulp once again when Jeevika finally spoke.

"Your sleep must have flown away in the air, right?"Jeevika just asked like she usually does, but for Yuvan, it was obvious she was being sarcastic.

"Whoa, my head is spinni____."

"Your arms must be hurting as well, right?"

Jeevika inquired while standing close to the bed with her hands folded, as Sahil kept his distance already away from the bed. Meanwhile, Yuvan nodded with artificial expressions of pain, lying fully covered under a thin white blanket on the bed.

"I'm gone!"

Yuvan and Sahil had a moment of thought when they saw Jeevika's poker face. They were totally surprised by her sudden appearance, and now she's throwing them off with the intensity in her eyes that hinted at something big about to happen.

"Sahil samdhi ji, what's up? What's the occasion for your sudden appearance?"

Jeevika inquired while seated next to Yuvan on the bed, prompting him to become tense. He was genuinely surprised when he felt a gentle touch on his hair under the blanket, which made him shiver even more as he anticipated that these soothing moments would soon turn into a hair-pulling session by her hands.

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