First Attempt

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I was thought about suicide ever since 7th grade but never really tried. The summer of 2014, I had been hurt, lost, alone, scared, angry, depressed. Yes I had friends, but none knew how I felt. They would just say to "stop! Its easy! we know how you feel." But it wasn't, they didn't know anything, they didn't know how I felt. How I cry myself to sleep every night silently so people won't hear, they didn't know how I would scream my lungs out into my pillow because of how angry I was,they didn't know how I would have to force a laugh and fake a smile everyday. One day I could take it anymore. I couldn't live on this world any longer. I tried overdosing and at the same time drink. I cut and I waiting in the tub full of water. I guess it wasn't enough. I woke up but not in the hospital. I woke up in the tub. A few hours had past...I got out. I saw vomit all over the floor and my wrist some how weren't even in the someone had tooken them out. A few months later I found out the place we had moved into someone had committed suicide.I guess they didn't want me to end life like that.

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