Chapter 8

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Kael led us through the bustling marketplace, the exotic scents of spices and incense filling the air. Merchants hawked their wares from colorful stalls, their voices mingling with the rhythmic clang of hammers and the chatter of the crowd. The city was a vibrant tapestry of sights and sounds, a stark contrast to the somber mood that clung to us.

The crew members carrying Tess followed close behind, their footsteps muffled by the soft sand that covered the cobblestone streets. Kael, ever the gracious host, navigated the throng with ease, his movements fluid and graceful. He exchanged greetings with merchants and passersby alike, his smile never faltering, though his eyes held a hint of sadness that mirrored our own.

After winding through a labyrinth of narrow alleyways, we emerged into a wide plaza bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun. Before us stood Kayilan's temple, a towering structure of white marble and intricate carvings. The temple's facade was adorned with depictions of the God of War, his fiery visage both awe-inspiring and intimidating.

A sense of reverence washed over me as we approached the temple steps. Two guards, clad in ornate armor, stood at attention, their faces stern and unwavering. Kael addressed them with a respectful bow, his voice carrying an authority that belied his carefree demeanor.

"I bring to you Grand Master Saaral of Ilythil and his daughter, Princess Astra. They seek an audience with Kayilan to honor the passing of their Shield."

The guards exchanged a silent glance, then nodded in unison. One of them gestured for us to enter, his voice gruff but respectful. "Kayilan awaits."

We ascended the steps, the marble cool beneath our feet. As we entered the temple's vast chamber, a wave of heat washed over us. The air was thick with the scent of incense and burning wood. A massive statue of Kayilan dominated the center of the room, his fiery form seemingly alive in the flickering torchlight.

Abba led us towards the altar, where a pyre had been prepared. He gently placed Tess's body upon the fragrant sandalwood, arranging her limbs with care and reverence. He then stepped back; his eyes filled with sorrow as he watched the crew members ignite the pyre.

The flames danced and leaped, consuming the wood with a hungry roar. As the fire grew, a sense of warmth spread through the chamber, chasing away the chill that had clung to me since Tess's death.

A loud crack echoed in the large room, causing us to jump slightly. A large man appeared next to the pyre; his strong face lined in sorrow. "Ah, my Theressa. You have done an amazing job here on Terra." He looked up at us, hostility flashing in his eyes. "Why did you let her die?"

I went to stand in front of my father, to protect him and take the blame for Tess, but he pushed me back.

Abba stood firmly, his back straight, hands clasped, and head held high, almost defiant. "Kaylian, you of all know how stubborn Theressa was. Astra was in danger; Tess did her duty. The duty you demanded of her. There was nothing any one of us could do."

The massive god snorted in derision. "You expect me to believe that, Saaral? Theressa was my greatest creation, her magic ran deep, her Core on par with mine."

Abba hung his head, "Yes Kayilan, there was a storm just off the coast. A wave pulled Astra off of the boat and was about to tear apart our ship. Tess gave it her all to save Astra and the ship."

Kayilan shook his head dismissively. "That paltry amount of magic wouldn't kill her."

I pushed past my father and knelt on the cold, hard ground, the marble smooth under my hands and knees. "Excuse me, Your Grace. What my father is saying is true. It is my fault that Tess died. I'm sorry that my actions caused such a profound loss for you. Please accept my apology."

I sat up from my prostration, sitting back on my feet and looked up at the god, tears silently falling down my face as Tess' body burned on the pyre a few feet away, the pungent smoke stinging my eyes.

Kayilan's deep amber eyes softened when they looked at me, "Astra, do not blame yourself. Your father is correct, it was her duty to protect you and she did it as expected of her. I apologize, I let my grief get in the way of understanding. Please, stand. Saaral and I need to talk." I stood as Kayilan walked up to me. He rested a massive had on my shoulder and pulled me close, hugging me as I cried into his chest. He smelled of wood smoke and heat, like a campfire in the winter.

A hand on my back snapped me out of my moment of grief, Abba stood there, arms open. I stepped into them, the familiar scent of sandalwood enveloping me in its safety and peace. "Come girl, go with Kael. He will show you to your quarters and I will meet with you soon. Get some rest, you need it."

Kael approached us from where he was standing in the back of the room and held out his arm. My father patted my back one last time, kissed my cheek, and let Kael lead me away. "The way, Princess." Kael said, our footsteps echoing softly as we walked towards the door.

I looked back as we left the temple, watching the two figures in discussion as the firelight from Tess' pyre flickered throughout the room.

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