15. Eavesdropping

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Okay, back to Zahra's POV.

As I slowly opened my eyes, the soft morning light filtered through the opulent curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. The bed, adorned with luxurious silk sheets, enveloped me in comfort, and I couldn't help but smile as I remembered the events of last night.

The room itself was grand, with high ceilings that seemed to stretch endlessly upward. My gaze was drawn to the great mahogany double doors at the foot of the bed, imposing yet inviting. Across from them, the wall was dominated by floor-to-ceiling windows, offering a breathtaking view of the lush landscape beyond.

Nearby, a collection of elegant furniture filled the space, each piece meticulously chosen to complement the room's lavish aesthetic. A regal chaise lounge beckoned from one corner, its plush cushions inviting me to relax and enjoy the morning.

But it's the window seat that truly captured my attention. Stretching the full length of the expansive windows, it was a haven of comfort and serenity. The plush cushions invite me to sit and admire the view, while the sheer size of the seat made it clear that it was meant to be shared. As I rose from the bed and make my way over, I couldn't help but wonder where Khalid might be, but for now, I was content to bask in the tranquility of the beautiful room.

As I gazed out of the towering windows, my eyes were greeted by a sight of unparalleled beauty. A vast garden sprawled before me, a colorful tapestry of roses, carnations, tulips, and an array of other exquisite flowers. In the center, a magnificent marble water fountain glistens in the morning sunlight, its gentle streams adding a soothing melody to the serene scene.

Beyond the lush garden, the driveway stretches out, adorned with Khalid's Maybach and Rolls Royce, gleaming in their opulence under the soft morning light. My gaze drifted to the closed garage doors nearby, sparking curiosity about what other treasures might be hidden within.

Further beyond lay a grand set of double door iron gates, a testament to the craftsmanship and skill that went into their creation. They stood as guardians of this pristine estate, offering a glimpse of the world beyond while preserving the sanctity of the garden within. As I took in the sight, a sense of wonder filled me, marveling at the beauty and luxury that surrounded me.

I finally tore my gaze away from the window and pivoted around, my eyes fell upon a door I hadn't noticed before. Curiosity piqued, I approached it and gently turned the handle. My jaw dropped open as I beheld the sight that greeted me – a vast walk-in closet.

As I stepped into the walk-in closet, I was immediately enveloped in a world of luxury and elegance. The soft glow of the chandelier hanging from the ceiling cast a warm, inviting light over the space, illuminating every corner in a flattering glow.

The shelves lining the walls were meticulously organized, showcasing an impressive collection of designer handbags and purses in an array of vibrant colors and exquisite designs.

As I opened the drawers, I was greeted by a treasure trove of jewelry – delicate gold necklaces, ornate bangles, shimmering rings, and dazzling earrings, each piece meticulously arranged and sparkling in the light. The other drawers held equally stunning jewelry, some adorned with precious gemstones and intricate detailing, while others exuded timeless elegance with their classic designs.

Mirrored doors adorned some of the closets, offering glimpses of the stunning Abayas hanging within. Each garment was a work of art, with intricate stonework and delicate lace accents adding a touch of sophistication. Opening the cupboards revealed neatly folded shalwar suits, their rich fabrics and vibrant colors adding a pop of personality to the space.

One wall was dedicated solely to shoes, with rows upon rows of high heels, sandals, and sneakers meticulously arranged on display shelves. Each pair was a testament to style and craftsmanship, with every detail carefully curated to perfection.

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