Chapter 2 A day of piece

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After I woke up the next day,I felt definitely better than before.While I stood up and changed,made my hair and brushed my teeth -all that stuff even- I went back down to make breakfast.The twins still were sleeping.How can they sleep so long?
And so...careless?
For me would it be impossible.
And then It came again:The thought of my mother.How can somebody just kill her?
She always was nice to everybody.
I just don't get it.

But now I NEED to think of something else.
So I planned to make breakfast for the twins.Now is the next problem:
What should I make for them?
Or may muesli?
That would be a good idea.

I walked up to the fridge and watched out for some fruits and yogurt.
Ah.Found it! 🙃
Where are the bowls?
I opened some cupboards.
I giggled.
The twins had even bowls with evil twin/Good twin.
I like their humor.

Suddenly I heard some noises behind me.
I turned around and saw Tyler already awake.
,,How was your sleep?"
,,It was good,till you left."
,,I said,it was good,till you left.Because you are as warm as a oven."
I laughed.
,,If you say so."

While Tyler went to the bathroom I finished the breakfast.It looked really delicious.Hmmm.

,,Good morning!"
,,Oh Taylor.You are finally awake.Breakfast is ready!"
,,Whaaaat?!You made breakfast?How long are you already awake?"
,,Dunno.May 30 minutes?.Doesn't matter.Why don't you go and change till Tyler comes back."
,,Sounds good!"
With that rushed Taylor away.

I sat on the counter and waited.for both of them.Then I heard whispering and a door shut.
What are they just doing?

5 minutes they came both out of the bathroom with their evil twin/Good twin shirts.
,,You two look amazing!"I said.
,,Thank you Noemi"did Taylor say.
,,When will we head to school?" did Tyler ask.
,,How do you two come to school?"I asked,because I was really curious.
,,With our bikes?Duh."Tyler answered.
,,I will take the bus then."I said.
,,Are you deaf?I just said we drive there with our bikes."Tyler rolled his eyes.
,,And you have no brain.Where the fuck should I get a bike from?
Should I go and steal one or what?"I answered him.
,,.Then go and steal one."Was his only answer.
,,Noemi,you can sit on my luggage rack.
I hope it will be comfortable for you." Tayler said to avoid a fight.
,,Thank you Taylor."I was really happy that she was here.If not,we would have probably started fighting.

We grabbed our backpacks and drove to school.Taylor drove there chilled and Tyler as would the devil be behind his back.How weird.But I didn't really care about that.

When Taylor and I came to the school,Tyler already waited there.It was as had his personality changed.Completely.He waited for my hand to help me down the bike (which was weird,because I can go down myself).

,,Taylor"I whispered in her direction.
,,Did somebody attack Tyler and switched bodys or is he often chainging his mood?"
,,Yeah...About that...I don't really know.
I often think the same actually"
We both laughed.
,,Why are you two laughing?What's so funny about me?"Nothing!" said we in at the same time.

When we went into the school,the clock already rang.SHIT!We ran to the lockers to get our stuff and rushed then to the class.Hopefully is the classteacher not here yet.

,,Urgh.Who would have thought,that detention was so laborious?"Taylor said.
,,You are the reason we had detention!You forgot the code for your locker!How stupid can somebody be to forget it?!"Tyler answered her angry.I just walked next to them to interact if they will start a fight.
Oh no.
It already started.
Why do they need to annoy each other so much?
While I looked away for a second,Tyler pinned Taylor already on the ground.Oh shit.That's not good.
,,Hey...Tyler?Please let her go.She is your sister!"
I tried to stop him with that.After some seconds he let her go and looked at me.
It looked like a "I am sorry" face.
Taylor thanked me to that I helped her.Now we can finally go home.It really was a long Friday.

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