Chapter 4 What the...?

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As Ashlyn told us,did we all gather some stuff.Aiden took as a example some glass bottles,the twins took the legs of a chair and Ben disinfected Ashlyn's wound.
I looked at her with a concern look on my face.
Poor her.
She is nervous as hell right now.
Suddenly we all heard a SMASH from Aiden's direction.
What did he do again?
"Aye look,another weapon!"
he said with a crazy smile.
"Hey watch it!You should've done that in the bathroom,now there's glass everywhere!"Tyler shouted at him.

Why can't they stop fighting?
It is really annoying their behavior.
Urgh... "I-I'll get the broom."Logan said and stood up.
I looked at Tyler.
His face looked really pissed.
When I looked at Taylor,I saw the complete opposite:
she was scared.
But it seems like her brother didn't see that.So I went to them and helped 'em.May that could help a little.
After Tyler saying that,Ashlyn looked weird,like something was off with her.
"We actually have some items to protect ourselves,so we're in a better position to talk things out..." Ashlyn started and continued
"They're...still outside the door"
She said.
Everyone looked up at her when she said that.
How does she know that?
I looked at the others.
Their faces looked,like they thought the same.
"I can hear them but..not in a normal way."
Ashlyn said.
"What do you mean?" Logan asked her scared.
"...remember how I said I had sensitive ears?" she asked us.
"Ooh that's right!So you can hear them moving outside or something?" Aiden asked her.
"Sort of" she said and crouched down
"They make a certain...sound I don't think you guys can hear."
"Can you get to the point?"
"Let her explain herself Tyler" I said.
"The thing is,because of how loud everything is to me,I hear...phantom noises as a side effect.Sounds that aren't really there.In the Sorrel Weed House I thought I was hearing a Phantom noise and when I saw the monster...I believed it was a type of hallucination.But then it grabbed me."
"A hallucination that grabbed you,injured you,and that all of us had seen?And you thought it wasn't real?" Tyler said digging after.
"Well you thought it was a prank and-"Ashlyn took a deep breath.
"-no nevermind.It doesn't matter right now.What I'm getting at is that-"
she took another deep breath
"I can hear and locate them when you guys can't"

That was a lot to process.
On one hand,we could use it,on the other hand is it hurting her ears...Poor Ash.She already lives with that her whole life!
"So what's the plan then?Use your 'magic hearing' to save the day" Tyler said.
After hearing that,she was quiet for a while.
she paused.
"-well yes,but later.
I think we should stay here for now so we can rest and...prepare ourselves.Once we go outside,there's no telling we'll encounter.And let's not leave the living room.If something happens,I don't want to be split up.
There isn't much we can do right now,so do some mental execises." 
she said." Mental exercises?" Aiden repeated chilled.
How can he be so?!
"Imagining yourself in certain situations and seeing how you will react.
Any time you aren't asleep,that's what you should be doing."
I looked at Tyler.
Oh no...
" Yeah  great plan."
he started again
"Daydream and sleep with monsters outside the door."
Why can't he leave it  as she said that?!Sometimes he is really annoying.When I looket at Tay(Taylor),she probably thought the same.
"We'll take turns keeping look out.Logan,is the time still twelve?" she asked.
"O-oh um- I'll check..." he said really scared and nervous.
" hasn't changed."
I am sure we are already in here since more than an hour.So how could it be,that the time isn't changing?

"Alright,we'll keep resetting a timer every hour then.
I'll take the first shift,who wants to go after?" Ashlyn asked us.
"I think I will take the second shift" I said nervous.Somebody has to do something.With that I cuddled myself to Tay and slept in.

When I woke up,I felt really dizzy.
Where am I?
Wasn't I before with the group?
How can it be,
that I am in my bed again?
Suddenly was something wrong with the atmosphere...
I got a terrible headache.
I looked at my phone.
It was 12:06 am.
How is that possible?
I thought of what happened.
What did we do?
We ran into the boys room to be safe...then we decided after some time shifts...I had the second shift!
But how am I here?
Suddenly my stomach felt weird...
I ran to the bathroom and threw up.
Oh shit...I don't feel good at all...What happened back there to let me feel so bad?I heard someone rush into my room...
It was Tyler.
He looked at me worried.
"What was that?Did you also dream about those creatures...?"
I asked him.
He nodded.
"Yeah we also saw them.
Come with me.
We need to go to my sister." he said with a rush.
"Y-you can go,I need some time.I feel to dizzy to walk..." He looked at me with a concerned look...and walked to the others.I threw up one more time,and so did it continue till we got back home.
It was the same by the others.
Our teacher thought,that we may have eaten something wrong,and we left it by that.
Not that anybody comes with some weird questions.

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