Chapter 2: First contact

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You sighed.

Life was unfair. Why must fate hate you so much, would it be so hard to give you some peace and quiet.

You looked at your phone in dread, rereading the message.

+** **** ******* ~Louciano Vitali :

- 7pm after practice.


What happened to "Hello?How are you"? The brat hadn't even bothered to specify what he meant, but of course, you did know.

You'd love to pretend you didn't see the message or tell anyone who asked he must've written your number wrong so you didn't get blamed, but you had already seen the message, which he could in turn see on his end.

"Damnit..." you muttered and finished tying up your sneakers with a huff, Raphael , your dance partner , giving you a side glance smirking.

He'd heard the gist of it during practice that day though in less detail and more insults. You made an annoyed face at him and he chuckled and walked out.

You grabbed your things and hoped to rush out quickly before Louciano could catch you. You'd then claim you thought he meant *tomorrow* after practice.

"Where do you think you're going?" you heard your teachers voice behind you and froze.

Slowly you turned your head and smiled sheepishly at her. The dark haired colombian woman with tan skin scrutinized you from behind her glasses.

"T-Teacher, I am just heading home..." you tried to sound casual but knew you failed as soon as she narrowed her eyes at you.

"Lous teacher informed me he'd be meeting with you today. " She accused and you flinched chuckling with an innocent expression.

"O-Oh? Are you sure ? Lou messaged me saying we'd meet after practice ,like tomorrow !" you tried not outright lying but failed as she deadpanned.

"Tomorrow is Saturday. We do not train on weekends." She paused between her words , making the tension rise.

You gulped audibly "R-Really ?? A-hahah I didn't realize silly me..."

You tried to laugh but grimaced at her glare.

"I'll go to him ma'am.." you mumbled before bowing your head and waddling away.


You tried to hold in a groan as glares were pointed your way as you leaned against the door of the ballet room, watching the dancers pack up and get ready to leave. Lily and Amy walked over briefly to say goodbye and wish you good luck, which fair, you needed.

After all but one student had left the studio, you walked in and closed the door behind you, feeling eyes bore into the back of your head.

This woulndt work.

You swirled around and tugged at a line which made blinds abruptly fall down all windows of the wall leading to the corridor.

You enjoyed watching the 'fanclubs' indignation at this.

After that ordeal was done you turned back to the boy sitting leaning against the wall, tying his ballet shoes.

He looked unimpressed by your actions and only stood up after you gestured for him to.

You sighed and contemplated your next steps. How would you even start this?

Luckily, or unluckily, the responsibility was taken of your shoulders as the boy began to speak.

When Worlds Collide ( Ballet Dancer x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now