part 3

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L: so uhm tim when i was talking to Angela today, i wasn't honest i am actually pregnant.
T: Really, you are having a baby?
L: yea tim i have and its ours.
T: i love you!
(Tim hugs lucy and he kissed her)
T: come on lets go home babe.
L: yes can we please get some burgers and fries!
T: yes ofcourse we can
(Tim and lucy went home and got burgers and fries on their way)
T: but are you going on leave or?
L: not yet i think its really early and i want to wait a little bit longer and i will maybe make detective soon.
T: okay i understand
(A few months later when tim and lucy were married in secret)
(Lucy woke up in pain)
T: luce whats wrong?
L: i dont know i think the baby is not okay.
T: okay we are going to the hospital.
L: but what if we see someone we know?
T: we wont believe me.
L: okay
(Tim and lucy rushed to the hospital and the baby died)
(A week after)
T: hey you goodmorning how are you?
L: i am okay we need to go to work so lets get ready!
T: okay
L: what are we having for breakfast?
T: do you want some pancakes?
L: yess pleasee!
T: here you pancakes.
L: thank youu!
(Tim and lucy ate their pancakes)
L: lets go to the station.
T: are you sure you are ready?
L: yes yes i am ready tim!
T: okay then if you say so.
(Tim and lucy drove to the station)
G: officer chen you are back.
(BTW Lucy told grey she was sick because tim and lucy are married in secret)
L: yes sir i am okay!
G: you can, youre riding with bradford.
L: o uhm okay.
G: chen is that a problem?
L: no sir not at all!
G: okay but if you still feel a bit sick or something i want you to come back to the station you can then do paperwork with bradford.
L: okay sir!
T: come on lets set up the shop officer chen.
L: yes sir!
(On patrol)
T: so are we going to tell about us?
L: tim i dont know maybe but i think we should first tell grey and later the rest that we are married.
T: yeah thats an great idea.
L: so lets get back to the station?
T: yes yes lets go.
L: i love you tim.
T:  i love you too luce!
(Back at the station)
G: bradford, chen you 2 are back early.
L: sir about that i am not officer chen anymore i am actually officer bradford.
G: wait what? Grey said confused
L: tim and i are married and the reason i was sick was because i had an miscarriage.
G: okay so you 2 are married and you want to have officer bradford as your name.
L: yeah thats actually it.
G: here you have your name card with bradford on it.
L: wait what how did you do that so fast?
G: i always knew you 2 were going to get married congratulations oh and i am sorry for your loss.
L+T: thank you sir.
G: okay now go back on the streets!
L+T: yes sir!
(After shift lucy and tim went home to tims house)
L: okay what do you want to eat tim?
T: you choose.
L: i dont know anything if i knew what i want i would have already suggested it tim. Lucy said a bit annoyed.
T: hey luce whats wrong?
L: nothing i am fine but what do you want to eat tim?
T: i will order some burgers.
L: i could cook you know?
T: it is easier to order something.
L: okay. Lucy said while she has tears in her eyes.
T: luce talk to me whats wrong?
L: its just t t the whole thing with the miscarriage and i dont know i just need you right now.
T: hey hey its okay come here luce.
(Tim hugs lucy then the doorbell rang it was the food)
T: her luce your usual.
L: thank you tim i love you, you are the best.
T: i love you more.
(Next morning)
T:  good morning, beautiful!
L: good morning, handsome!
T: pancakes for breakfast?
L: yess please i lovee pancakes!
T: i know thats why i asked!
(After eating breakfast and getting ready they went to the station)
(In roll call)
G: okay so we have now 2 officers with the name bradford. So tim bradford you're riding with lucy bradford. Lopez your with harper. And nolan you are riding with juarez.
A: Wait what are tim and lucy married?
L+T: yes yes we are!
A+N: congrats btw!!
T+L: thank you guyss
G: okay now everyone please go on patrol!
Hey everyone so this was the last part from this story i will make a new one bc i have no ideas for this story anymore so if you have ideas for a new story please leave them in the comments!

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