I was hanging from a window and a boy was looking from inside a room, with a sadistic expression. I was over 30 meters from the ground, but the only hand that was holding me from falling and dying, was slipping because of some deep cuts in it. The pain didn't bother me, I just didn't want to die.
Hi, my name is Ash and I am going to tell you my story from the beginning. I was born in the United States. A few months after I was born my parents died from a fire in our house, and that's where my name comes from, Ash. My uncles adopted me just to look good in front of everyone (my uncles were stupidly rich and the reporters were pressing them to adopt me). From the minute I entered in my new house they proved what they really were.
They teated me horribly until I turned 14 years old, at that age, in my birthday; I had an unlocking feeling in my brain, like a click, that provoked me to decide that I had enough of hte abuse causes by my uncles, in that moment is when I decided to kill my own uncles and my only family ( I partly think it was my uncles' fault that I was like this) I had a feeling of completely happiness when I saw their blodd in my hands, their inert bodies in the couch, with multiple cuts in their whole body, a sensation of happiness and freedom ran through my body. I left my house and I felt really happy.
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A few weeks later I already won a little reputation in the streets.
But some months later the police figured it was me who killed my uncles, instead running away , I waited so they could find me, the only weapon I took to "defend" myself from the policeman was a knife.
Some hours later, I was in my "home" (if you could call it that way, I lived in the streets, I just ended the life of my uncles, I committed a murder with just 14 years old, it was logic to not to go to any place where the police could find me easily, also I didn't go to a place where they told me what to do), a pair of policeman found me and approached to me pointing their guns at me and shouted at me: Hands up, if you move we shoot!!.
I didn't listen to then and approached slowly to the first policeman with a cold smile, I pulled the knife that I took and stabbed him in his heart. The other policeman shudder, but, why should I show mercy to them, they decided to point their guns at me. I took the knife from the other's policeman body and threw with precision the knife to the other policeman. I was really happy, I was proud of myself. Soon enough I figured out that I was going to be an assassin, but that conclusion made me feel free. "Normal" people wouldn't understand and they would suffer continues nightmares because of the people they killed, but not me. I thought in becoming famous and being chased by the police, it looked to me a happy life, pleasant and full of adventures and crimes, that's the reason why I followed this path.