Chapter 11

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Charlotte woke up that same evening already in the house. A sleeping Engfa was sitting next to her, holding her hand. Engfa was sitting on the floor with her head on the edge of the sofa. Charlotte was very surprised, because she didn't remember anything. Hearing a rustling sound, Engfa woke up.

"You woke up," Fa breathed out a sigh of relief.

"What happened?" asked Charlotte.

-I wasn't particularly interested in the bar and I went to meet you and saw you falling near the hospital. Then I took you home.

"Oh, thank you very much!" Char smiled.

"What did the doctor say?" Engfa asked while walking to the kitchen

to get water. (P.S. the kitchen and living room were connected)
"He performed the procedure and said that it would be possible to find out whether I was pregnant or not in a week." Today Engfa
surprises Charlotte with his interest in her and the child.

"Then we'll wait. Here, have a drink." Engfa handed me a glass of water.

-You are hungry? Fa asked.

-Not really.

-Have you eaten today?

-Yes, I had a snack before going to the hospital.

"It's been a long time since you ate. I'll order some food," Engfa said, picking up the phone and calling the food delivery service.
Charlotte liked this feeling. The feeling that someone was taking care of her. Not someone, but an important person for her - Engfa.

"Let's choose a movie to watch for now," asked Fa.

-Come on.
Having chosen a movie and turned it on, Engfa sat down on the sofa. It was a little cool in the house, so Charlotte shared a blanket and covered Engfa. An hour later, food was brought, after eating, they continued to watch the film. Charlotte was getting sleepy, so she lay down near Engfa's knees. Fa lifted and placed her head on her lap, gently stroking her. That night they fell asleep, looking forward to the next week, when they would find out whether they would have a baby.


Sorry for the long wait! I promise that I will post chapters more often. Let's worry about the next week of EngLot together in history.

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