Chapter 29

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When Mohini slowly looked up it was none other than Arjun, standing there with his gandhiva with sharp look on his face.

“Dusshashan I know what happened, but we need to think maturely rather than acting on our actions.”Arjun declared from afar, “Who are you to order me huh? She is my sister, and she tarnishing our reputation! And by the way, the girl you found in the forest was the one who helped that Devarth to kidnapy sister.” Arjun looked at Mohini, who was looking down shamefully, but didn't regret her actions.

His eyes softened looking at her helpless face, he wanted to save her right now then and there, but right now he is standing infront his brother. “Dusshashan don't provoke a war, and leave Mohini, she just helping her friend.” “Helping her friend my foot! She helped that Devarth to abduct my sister, I won't let this bicth go away just like that!” Dusshashan said while grabbing Mohini by her hair, she screamed in agony, it hurt a lot.

Arjun had enough, he was enraged not only by his words but also by his actions. He immediately summoned an arrow and shot it towards Dusshashan 's chariot, it stumbled and Dusshashan immediately let go of Mohini, who got down from the chariot and ran towards Arjun.

Dusshashan quickly got back in his senses and got down from the chariot too. When he saw Mohini running away he pulled the end of her Sari. Mohini halted her steps as felt the pull, she gasped as her eyes widened.

She turned around to see Dusshashan smirking dirty at her. He again pulled the dupatta with force, causing her to fall on his chest.

“To be honest, you're really really pretty, the daughter of Kama dev and Devi Rati..” he let out a evil laugh, “No wonder why my brother is obsessed with you, but you're too beautiful to be kept as a mistress, come with m-” he couldn't complete his sentence when felt a sharp pang on his face which caused his face to turn side ways.

“You really don't have the manners to speak with a women don't you? No wonder why your own sister was scared of you!” she said angrily to him. By that Arjun also came and punched him in the face.

The fight went it and it looking terrifying to Mohini. Arjun was in rage, and punching Dusshashan furiously. With a last blow, Dusshashan fell unconscious. But Arjun didn't stop, he was punching jlhim with all his force. Mohini went behind him to stop him, but he wasn't listening to her.

She finally back hugged him, and was sobbing, telling him to stop. He finally stopped and turned around and hugged her hiding her face in his chest. She was crying her heart out and he was caressing her head.

“Let's go we have to return fast, the news must have reached the palace." Arjun said seriously, while Mohini just nodded, wiping the the tears. Arjun made Mohini sit on the horse and then climbed himself, “Hold me tightly.” he said wrapping her arms around him.

She tightened the her grip on his waist, holding on for her dear life. Arjun tapped the horse as it started moving towards the palace. Mohini was looking at with a lot of questions.

Arjun looked down at her, understanding her expression, he noticed how her hair was messy, her nose and cheeks red, lips wobbling a tiny bit, she was looking so cute to him.

“I heard you last night, while talking to Dusshala.” Arjun said startling Mohini, who looked down. “Aren't you angry at me?" Mohini asked like a scared child. “I was but then I thought about it, but then I was angry on myself for not understanding my sister like you.” Mohini again looked up at him smiling, she hugged him tighter, a little bit happy, but then she thought about the palace.


Mohini's pov:

We arrived at the gates of the palace, when two soldiers came and grabbed me by my arms, it was all too fast for me to react, arjun tried to get me out of their grip but they said,“We have been ordered to arrest her as soon as enters the premises.” and it scared me, but I was adamant about what I did, and was never going to regret.

I was dragged into cell, was chained, it all felt heavy on me and were hurting me, few hours later in the evening I was summoned in the court with two guards accompanying me.

I stood in front of everyone in the middle of the shabha, I looked around to see Mata Kunti crying, concerned for me, Draupadi's face was also covered with tears and so was Sanna's, they all were worried for me.

“As it was informed us that My daughter-” he stopped as he swallowed the lump in his throat. “That my daughter, princess Dusshala, was abducted from the temple. The abduction was done by none other then Prince Devarth, and you have been accused of helping him-” “he didn't abduct her my king!” she cut him off, “Dusshala ran away with him her own will! And it is completely fine-” “She is lying father! I saw her waving goodbye to that Devarth, while my sister was screaming for help, I am telling she is spy from our enemy country.” Dusshashan cut her off with his statement and then looked at Shree evil.

“I admit that I helped them-” Shree started, “See father!” Dusshashan again interrupted her, “LET ME FINISH MY SENTENCE PRINCE DUSSHASHAN!” Mohini's voice roared in the shabha as everyone went silent. They bit taken aback by her outburst, she didn't look like a to have one.

“Do you have any proof?” Duryodhan asked, Shree turned and looked at him, he looked upset, anger was also their, but more... betrayal. Mohini gulped and nodded.

“Show us the proof.”


I feel like dying...I am tired..oh lord help me!!!! This is not the best but I am trying my best.

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