The Arrival

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The room was dark and quiet. Then six people fell from the ceiling, landing on the floor and breaking the silence.

Alastor Moody climbed to his feet, growling. "Where are we?" he snarled. 

"I'm not sure," came the calm, deep voice of Kingsley Shacklebolt.

Alastor saw Nymphadora Tonks climbing to her feet and looking around in confusion. He did a quick count. He could see Emmeline Vance, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and Nymphadora Tonks were here as well. 

With a soft thump, three books landed on the table that had appeared alongside several sofas. There was a note with the books. 

Dear Order members,

I have gathered you here to read three books about the future. They begin shortly after the time you were taken from. Time will not pass in the outside world once you begin reading.

Good luck,


They sad in silence for a moment. "Well?" Emmeline spoke up. "What do you think?"

"Books about the future? I'm in!" Sirius laughed.

"They could be useful, I suppose," Alastor grunted.

"I'll read first." Kingsley picked up the book and turned to the first chapter.

Dudley Demented.


A/N: All of the text in italics is from the books, all credit to J.K. Rowling. The text in italics and bold are chapter titles. I only own the reactions, not the characters or text (obviously). Contains spoilers for books 5-7 (again, obviously).

Have fun,


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