→kenma kozume - i miss you← [old]

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notes: just some cute kenma fluff because i was sad and craving it lmfao. pre time-skip. [old, written in 2020]


He sat on the floor, back pressed against the couch with her laying on it above him. Y/n lay on her stomach as she typed away on her laptop. Currently working on a school project while Kenma played games on her PlayStation. He had already finished all of his homework and like always Y/n left hers for the last possible minute.

"Are you done yet?" Kenma asked, pausing his game and tilting his head back so he could look at her.

"Sorta," Y/n hummed in response, glancing over towards him with a soft smile. "Are you bored without me, Kozume?"

"I do enjoy your company, so perhaps I miss you just a bit." He teased in return. He spat falsehood, for he missed her company dearly. They haven't been able to hang out that often as of late, due to both of them being quite busy. Y/n didn't go to Nekoma, in fact she went to Aoba Johsai. They met through volleyball as she was Aoba Johsai's manager and they'd often see each other at tournaments and practices. And sometimes even training camp. Finally they had a chance to hang out when she remembered she still had a project she needed to finish before the weekend ended. Which led to where they were now. With Kenma busying himself with video games while she worked away. Normally he wouldn't mind, he loved video games. But he also missed her a great deal and now wanted to spend time with his girlfriend.

Y/n giggled, "Just a bit?" She mocked, altering her voice to sound funny.

Kenma rolled his eyes, "Mhmm, just a bit."

"Liar." She snorted, returning her gaze to her laptop screen. "I don't mind though, because I missed you too. I just have to get this done first, and then I'm all yours Puddin'."

He sighed, "Can't you just finish it tomorrow? It's Saturday, you have all day to get it done."

Y/n giggled once more, e/c eyes flickering over in his direction. "I have a volleyball meeting to go to, I think we have a practice tomorrow as well. That'll take up a few hours, and then I'm babysitting for my cousin the rest of the day. I mean I could try to squeeze some time in then, but I dunno.. Those kids are trouble." Chuckling, she reached over and ruffled his hair. "Sorry babe, but I think I need to finish this today."

He swatted her hand away playfully and turned so he could rest his chin on the cushion. "How much have you got done so far?"

"At least half of it."

"Only half? You've been here for three hours already." He furrowed his eyebrows, and pouted a bit, which she thought looked utterly adorable.

"Two and a half, actually." She stated rather smugly, causing the boy to snort.

"Same thing." He muttered, turning over and going back to his game.

Y/n watched him for a few minutes before clicking her tongue, gaining the boys attention. "I'll tell you what, give me half an hour longer to work on this, and even if I'm not done, I'll come hang out with you. Kay?"

"Now you're making me feel guilty."

"Kozume!" She burst out laughing, sitting up and placing her laptop on her lap. Forcing him to lean forwards so she could let her legs down and causing him to lean back on them. Not that he minded, he almost preferred it, actually. Y/n leaned forwards as well and pressed a kiss to his temple. "It's fine, I don't mind. I'm sure I can get it done tonight, or even sometime tomorrow. Besides, I did come over here to hang out with you."

"I'm not doing anything tomorrow, so I can stop by and help you babysit your cousin's kids. That way you can definitely find the time to finish your assignment."

Y/n grinned giddily, nodding her head, "Deal." And with that said she returned her attention to her homework. Making sure to keep an eye on the time. Roughly after thirty minutes had passed, Y/n saved her work and shut her laptop. She stood up and did a quick stretch, smiling down at Kenma who had glanced up at her.

"Finished for now. I'm actually almost done." She said proudly, but instead of returning to her position on the couch she moved his legs, which were currently crossed, and sat down with her back pressed against him. Now sitting in between his legs, his arms wrapped around her, almost immediately pulling her closer into him. Kenma leaned his chin on her shoulder and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. "Good to hear. I'm proud of you baby."

Y/n snatched up another PlayStation controller and signed on as well, "Black Ops Zombies?" She asked, smiling as he nuzzled his face into the back of her shoulder.

"In a minute, I just wanna be here for a sec." His voice was muffled by the fluffy sweater she was wearing, which was no doubt his. Now tainted with the scent of whatever soap and body spray/perfume she used with only a small hint of his cologne. He inhaled deeply, setting his controller down and closing his eyes for a moment.

Y/n didn't mind at all, she placed her controller down as well and turned around so they could embrace easier. Wrapping her legs around his waist and moving so she was sitting more on his lap. Her fingers combed through his hair as the other hand rubbed small soothing circles into his back. Kenma hummed in content, pulling her close and keeping his arms wrapped around her. One of his hands rubbing up and down one of her thighs, softly massaging the area.

"I missed you." He mumbled, pressing a few kisses along her neck and jawline.

Y/n sighed happily, "I missed you too." She cupped his face in her hands and brushed her thumb along his cheeks.

Kenma smiled briefly before leaning forwards and connecting his lips to her own. It was a soft and gentle kiss, something they both needed and adored. He pulled away after a bit, brushing his nose against hers. "A couple rounds and then we can watch a movie or take a nap."

Y/n grinned, "You wanna cuddle more?"

"I wanna cuddle more." He confirmed, flashing a grin in her direction. She laughed softly and pecked his lips before returning to her earlier position of being in between his legs. Picking their controllers back up, she began to set up the game as Kenma wrapped his arms back around her. He missed this.


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