Chapter 1

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Great Eastern Lake

Four years before the Traveller's journey

About the Lover - Childe
"I have yet to meet the Lover, nor am I excited to. Their absence only tells me that they don't take their role seriously at all. Should the Tsaritsa call on us one day, I doubt they would show up at all."

The Zapolyarny palace was as quiet as ever in the morning, despite its usual occupants. An occasional murmur or whisper drifted down the hall, but their owners were the ranks of officers performing their drills in the courtyard. The day was clear, apart from the enormous clouds that always seemed to blot out the sky. Blizzards weren't an everyday occurrence, but when they hit, they hit hard.

The other Harbingers were either out on a mission or simply couldn't be bothered to go out for a chat. Barely any were on good terms with each other, let alone friends.

The Lover was no different, although she was practically never in the palace in the first place. She had her own home, her own things; she didn't need to hole up in that giant icicle.

A cabin in the woods next to a frozen lake. Surprisingly humble for such a high-ranked Fatui officer. Well, she says humble, but it's more like a small mansion. A gift from her mother who had left her. Abandoned? She did not know. Dead? She did not know. She did not care either, as she had not even met the woman. Her very first memories are in that cabin and she couldn't bring herself to let it go. (She actually didn't care about that at all, she just wanted to look mysterious.)

The other Harbingers? She didn't care. She could finish her duties faster without interacting with the lot.

At least, that's what she thought.

A loud crack from outside brought her to attention. She would have looked through the windows, but she had boarded them up a long, long time ago. With no glass, the chilly air would permeate through her home.

She cracked her door open and peered through the gap. There were people crowded around the ice not too far from her cabin, maybe a hundred steps away. At a distance, it was hard to discern their features, but it goes without saying they were bundled tightly in warm clothing.

She counted... Three people around the ice, all carrying poles. One of them was probably somewhere around her age and the others were younger.

"What are they... Oh, they might be fishing." They did appear to be drilling a hole into the ice. They were far enough away that she didn't really feel like telling them to go away, and besides, if people could find ice fishing fun, then she applauded them. The one time she had attempted the activity, it took all her patience. Having to wait hours for a fish that would probably be too small to eat is wasted time.

She closed her door, choosing not to bother the strangers. It was a huge lake anyway.

Turning back to her workspace, she picked up the letter she received the other morning. The seal was the Fatui insignia, so it was likely from her division. Upon opening it, however, it was an instruction from the Jester.

'The Lover.

Following the recent election of the eleventh Harbinger, I request that you join them on their assignment. You are expected to be present in the next week.'

She stared at the piece of parchment in her hands.

What?! Why? She put her hands to her hair and tugged. She never had to join any of the others on an assignment, and none of them ever had to join her. Was this a newly implemented system? Was someone playing a prank on her? No, no, it couldn't be one, no one was stupid enough to use the Jester's name in a prank. Just what the hell did the newbie do to make the director give them a babysitter?

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