Chapter 2

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Zapolyarny Palace

Four years before the Traveller's journey

About The Lover - The Jester
"Although she may not seem it, she is a capable harbinger. She's been given the title for a reason, regardless of what others think of her."

It had been a long, long time since the Lover last had her destination as the palace. If she had any say it in, she would work at home all the time, minus the few missions.

But alas, she had been summoned. Summoned to babysit the newest addition to the Eleven Fatui Harbingers, the eleventh seat. Honestly, the Fatui must be going to shit if they need people to watch over the higher ranks.

There was very little activity by the front gates by the citizens, for fear they might upset the Tsaritsa. Agents and cicin mages had no fear, and strut up the glassy steps to their destination. All members of the Fatui were more than welcome to come and go as they pleased, they just had to be aware if the Harbinger they serve under didn't have any current orders for them. It was usually open to the public as well, but most were too weary enter anyway.

Come to think of it, she barely interacted with her own division. If she was ordered to sort something out, she would pass it down to them via letter. Most of the time at least; she couldn't pass them all off. Surely they'd remember her face, if not, the older members should remind them.

She stood at the gates for a while contemplating whether she should put on a grand display. That would surely remind everyone. The others totally loved* it when she did that (*Read; greatly disliked her for it.)

An electro-bracer brushed passed her, knocking her off balance. Luckily she could catch herself, but jeez. They really had no respect for the higher-ups.

A sadistic grin slowly crept onto her face. Oh, she so wished to see that bracer again, at a later date. Maybe he'll know his place by then.

A gloved hand suddenly and roughly landed on her head, making her tsk in annoyance, and she had a sneaking suspicion of who the culprit was.

"Hm, I thought it was you. Well, well, well. What have you decided to grace us with this time? Surely not another opera demonstration. I must say, the last one was very... What should I say... Unique. Or perhaps you've come to convince The Captain to resign... Again? This makes three times now? You must forgive me, your presence is so lacking I'd almost forgotten you are a Harbinger."

The Lover did not have to see who was bothering her, nor turn to see the sinister grin the man was surely wearing.

"The day you find someone who enjoys hearing your voice as much as you do, is the day I think I'll finally feel joy, for you'll have someone else to annoy." She replied.

The Doctor leered down at her, his half-mask obscuring his eyes. This must have been Omega.

"I'm afraid those days have long since passed, my dear." He hummed for a second and changed the subject about as fast as it would allow him. "I hear you've been put on a joint mission with the Eleventh. Charming fellow, really, almost as quick as you to draw his blade against my neck. Poor old Pantalone got the fright of his life passing him by in the hall the other morning. I think he's launched an attack on everyone he's seen so far."

The Lover groaned. A lively one, of course.

"Who did he work under before?" The eleventh had surely been a low rank at one stage, and surely he didn't attack everyone back then.

"The Rooster. Was basically a prized pupil of his." Oh man, the newbie was going to get chewed up and spit back out when he's run his worth. If he does, of course. The Rooster wasn't going to remove a valuable asset. Lucky he moved up when he did.

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⏰ Last updated: 12 hours ago ⏰

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