Before reading:

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Some notes that I would like to state before you get to enjoy this little tale that went a bit too far. (Not in a bad way, oh no no, but rather, in the sort of way that it was supposed to be a fun fairy tale but ended up being much longer and dramatic than expected.)

1. First off, a BIG warning on the grammar and typos.
My first language isn't english, nor do I know english speakers to help me edit this stuff. My only helpers are google docs and a random translator online, so yeah, many mistakes are incoming. I do not mind being corrected though, so be welcomed to point out any misspelling or bad grammar, you won't hurt my feelings... Much.

2. This is a lesbian story.
If you don't like anything related to homosexuals or two persons of the same gender being more than friends, then I would still recommend you to try and read it. You never know, perhaps you end up interested in the plot or the fantasy worldbuilding or many other things this story might be keeping. But if you definitely aren't interested, I will respect it.

3. Wattpad newbie.
I have zero idea on how to write stories, but I love creating them either way! So the writing style might often change depending on this humble author's mood.

4. Historical Accuracy
Personally I often try to investigate my best to keep the story as realistic as fantasy lets me, but I'm still not a magic conch shell to be knowing exactly how things were a hundred years in the past. All information referring to historical or geographical elements were retrieved from the internet and might not be one hundred percent accurate to reality.

All characters are fictional and do not represent my own opinions or ideologies. I write for what the story asks and how the characters have been built. Keep it in mind specially in sensitive topics that might be boarded.

6. Updates?
I prefer quality over quantity.
But do know that more than half of the story is already planned and almost half of it is already on revision!

7. Content warning
Vulgar language, sexism and misogyny, homophobia and heterosexism, blood, violence, abuse, drug and alcohol usage.

Will be changing this page as the story goes.

That's all folks! Hope you enjoy 'Game of Fools'!

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