Chapter 1: The one who makes wishes come true

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The sound of the curtain rings alerted everyone inside the changing room, making some gazes address the bellied man that had just entered. With his chin held high under his curled moustache, he took his place at the centre of the room, with the rest of the troupe watching him in expectation.

"Another great show, people!" The man voice out, with his gloved knuckles resting on his hips. "I couldn't expect less from you all, we've been preparing for this for a whole month. Now, everyone get ready and change clothes. I'll tell the carriage men to prepare the animals and the equipment, so go out there and be merry."

With that brief talk, the man was about to leave where he came from, but another voice was quick to interrupt.

"What about our raise? All that peppy dancing and juggling around was a lot harder than usual!"

A male clown stepped forward, with his makeup half clean and messy. Rather funny looking, half of his face portraying a lively tainted smile, while the other was a totally angered expression, which only added up to the humour.

"Yeah! Tickets costs gets higher while our pays gets cheaper! Do we even have enough to survive?" A female mime agreed, her own face still with a full makeup and the black and white clothing making her seem like an actual ghost.

"I can't even afford to buy milk for my son."

"I still have debts to pay!"

"Yeah!" "Give us a raise! "Don't be a cheapskate!" "Yeah!"

Many complaints followed, with the other members of the circus getting into the fuss and soon enough, a riot formed. They surrounded the man, not letting him leave the spot, and even started to throw him a variety of items such as balls, props and even shoes.

The ringmaster dodged and hoped away from the several things being thrown at him, grasping at his top hat for it to stay in place as he moved.

"Now, now, people! It's not like the old times when we were poor and needed to beg for a penny. We're not beggars, we're a big and successful circus!" He began, gesturing with his hand for the cast to settle down but none of their frowns were giving up. The moustached man gazed upon the many ones there until his eyes fell on the little silhouette who was rather minding their business rather than joining the scuffle. He pulled the jester over in the middle next to him. "Here! Sizo doesn't receive any wager and she is not whining like a spoiled brat, why can't you be more like her?"

The jester, the youngest and oldest of the circus, the one for whose act many travel long roads and buy overpriced tickets to watch, stood there with expression covered behind a white mask with golden details, one that characterised the jester for almost being part of her face. It clearly added a tone of mystery, and a hint of creepiness, for the eyes painted in a way that made them look like a lifeless doll and the mouth drawn in a big smile, never moving or even opening up for talking. An eternal joy carved in the fake face of the girl.

"Because she is a damn kid, that's why! And even then, she's not the one to blame here!" A clown replied, caring very little for any more of his boss' excuses.

"Oi! I'm not a kid! Imma' bout' to become an adult ya' know!" Sizo complained, crossing her arms and looking to the side. She didn't really care for the money, or the fight, or even the reason, but she felt insulted that was for sure.

However, the cast was more focused on the first matter at hand.

"So what will it be 'boss'? Either we get a raise or we get the honk out of here! And you'll have to find another group of people to replace us!" The clown insisted, his voice getting louder and angrier. The rest voiced their agreement, with the same amount of determination and fury, but they were silenced by the man's loud sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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