Chapter Eight

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Klaus grabbed Lector's hand and let him take him to the Potter Manor, landing in a room with many men and a few woman were in, "Master-Soon-to-be-Hybrid be here," Lector announced.

A brown haired man with scars on his face came forward, "Hi, I'm Remus," he introduced himself. "Liam had decided to do a little torture session with Severus Snape," he said with a small growl as his eyes flashed gold when he thought about it. The werewolf saw the pure anger that appeared on the Original's face when he mentioned Snape.

People were mumbling around for the darkest curses they could come up with. A few brave muggleborns approached the darker families and asked if they were willing to share some of those curses.

"Oh, he's joining in on torturing the two," another man said. He had curly hair and pale skin. He stood a bit shorter than Remus.

"I am," Klaus confirmed.

"We have another person joining Hunt the Snivvy?" a crazy feminine voice asked, a woman with crazy black hair that could rival Jamie's when she doesn't put product in it, sticking her head out of the room. A dog walked out with the female, changing into a man that looked to be the brother of the other dark haired man, "Reggie, Bella, of course he's joining. That and 'Hunt the Used Tampon'.

Gasps. "I thought we already established animagi here," Sirius spoke.

"Sirius, how is she?" a tall lanky man asked the brother who Klaus figured to be Regulus.

"It'll take a bit to wear off. Lucius was sent to keep Severus distracted with Tom. The Prewett twins are causing a ruckus in the Ministry to get the attention of Dumbledore, of course Jamie gave permission for them to use the cloak," Sirius explained, "Andy, Cissa, and Dora are helping her get changed since she can't do it herself," then he turns his attention to Klaus, "And I'm not kidding, you will our new test subject if you do anything like that fucktard did to Prongs," he said.

"I understand," Klaus nodded, "What did they do? They didn't do what I was told Snape did...did they?" he asked.

The Blacks and Tom tensed. Severus paled as soon as he spotted the Dark Lord tensing.

A platinum blonde woman with an innocent look came out, "She needs something to hold again," she said. Sirius went back in, changing into a dog again.

"No, Phineas Black was visiting with Aunt Dorea and heard the two leave to where Liam and Prongs stay and Aunt Dorea spread the word to us and Pandora told us too. Sirius left to distract the two, stun Snivvy and make Evans unconscious. There's a spell that affects the nerves called the Cruciatus curse. It was originally meant for people to get feeling back in injured limbs, but if kept under this curse so long the nerves become damaged and won't settle, but we know a counter. Sirius and Lucius had found them both using the curse, and before they could remotely continue, those two knocked them out and grabbed Prongs and left," Regulus said.

"Why is she called Prongs?" Klaus asked after a minute.

The outrage felt by the students was diminished a little as they wondered the same thing. 'Wormtail' could refer to a rat's tail, 'Moony' from what they heard is the name of Remus' wolf half, 'Padfoot' only some knew referred to a type of Black Dog. So, what was 'Prongs'?

"Hi, I'm Pandora by the way," the innocent blonde said, "This is Andromeda," she said pointing at the brown haired woman, "And Narcissa, Lucius is her husband," she pointed at the other blonde.

"Can we go in?" the lanky man Klaus found out to be Frank Longbottom asked.

"Give her a few minutes to rest, I'm not sure when the potion will take effect," Narcissa said.

Remus turned his attention to Klaus, "I'm sure you told about Jamie, Peter, and Sirius becoming animagi to keep me company on full moons since you were not surprised about Padfoot turning into a dog," Remus paused making sure he was correct, when he got the nod, he continued, "The Potters in the past have all been stags and their wives have been a doe. Prongs got her nickname since she's the first born Potter to be an animagi. While she was a doe, she had no way to protect herself against me. Wormtail has his size and Padfoot has his claws and teeth and he can run as fast as my wolf self. A doe has no chance, but when I got near her as a wolf, these magic antlers appeared. The Potter Magic gave her a protection by giving her some antlers, and that was how she got her name," he finished.

"Can we see?" the Prewett twins asked in fascination. McGonagall also looked slightly intrigued. Jamie stood up and changed into a doe in front of everyone. She shook her head and the translucent antlers appeared on her head before she changed back and sat down.

A slow moving Padfoot came out again, changing into a pale Sirius. "Siri? What's wrong?" Regulus asked, as he and Remus noticed him first. Remus gathered the man up, holding him close, "What's wrong?" he repeated.

"I heard another heartbeat on Prongsie," he said slowly and in shock.

"Before there are more shocked gasps. You saw all saw my fangs. That Used Tampon thing is not my father," Henrik said.

Klaus froze hearing that. Did Liam Evans get his precious goddess pregnant? There was a sharp intake of breath and they all looked at Pandora who now had white eyes.

"Please tell me you two had sex," Andromeda told Klaus. Narcissa was going over how she couldn't detect a baby in her tests.

"Why does that have to do with anything. If it's a baby then there's no way it could be mine," Klaus replied, anger present in his voice.

"Klaus," Frank said, "Witches and Wizards can have children with their mates, no matter what they are," he said, "There have been vampire-witch/wizard mated pairings that have had children."

Finn's, Rebekah's, and Kol's widened at that information. Elijah looked flabbergasted. 'So they were actually his nieces and nephews?' he thought.

"It was yesterday," Klaus admitted, arms folded as everyone looked at him.

Everyone was quiet, "There's a chance," Bellatrix said.

"We're all hoping its Klaus'," Regulus said.

"What if it's Liam's?" Klaus asked.

"If it's Liam's then he has an official connection with the Potter Line and has more access to it," Remus told him.

Like he didn't just hear Henrik, Liam smirked.

"She could manage what Liam has access too, but if that child is his than he'll find out all the things Jamie has hid," Frank said.

"And Sirius doesn't change into any black dog. He's called Padfoot, because that form is a Death Omen and given Prongsie's future title, those two are more attuned to each other. He would detect if she was with child before any normal test would," Remus said, still holding on to the shaken Sirius.

Pandora snapped out of her vision, "The plan for Tom needs to hurry up," she says and looks at Klaus, "The child is yours."

Liam's smile vanished while others cheered.

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