2 : w a k i n g

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The war left much disarray all across Fiore and its neighboring nations. The Wizard Saints began organizing the recovery efforts as soon as they were well enough to get back on their feet. It would take some time, but nowhere near as long with all of the wizarding guilds helping out. Sure there were job requests coming in that needed to be filled, but everyone had created a system so they were taking turns between rebuilding the areas around them or taking on regular jobs.

Fairy Tail had a few extra changes that they were adjusting to as well. Master Makarov hadn't regained much of his former strength, having to come to terms with remaining in the wheelchair that someone was always having to push him around in. Though Mest or Mirajane were always more than happy to escort the old man around their guild hall, he knew that many of his children felt guilty for his current condition, even if it had been the result of his own choices.

The other was the partial quiet that lingered around the guild at the lack of a certain loudmouthed Fire Dragon Slayer. Natsu was either out with his team for their turn rebuilding or sitting in the infirmary beside his sleeping sister.

After she had come back to them, Kia had only remained conscious for a few minutes before slipping into a coma. Porlyusica had examined her and told them all that it wasn't anything life threatening. She had just exhausted herself to her absolute limit and would likely be out for quite some time as her body began recouping her normally large supply of magic energy. But that had been a week ago.

The old healer had continued to stop by the guild almost every day, checking on either Makarov or Kia, not pleased with the lack of improvement she was seeing in either of her patients, but she knew that she shouldn't expect too much out of them since they both had died. Though her concerns for the Phoenix Slayer were much higher than those she had for her old friend.

The young pinkette had seemed to be improving physically, but her magic energy hadn't changed. It was still dangerously low; so low that she thought it went beyond the definition for Magic Deficiency Syndrome. This was especially concerning when she thought about how Phoenix Slaying magic connected directly to its wielder's life force.

And her visit today was no different. She ran Natsu out of the room so she could work in peace, running the usual tests and making sure to feed some potions to the unconscious girl so that she was receiving some level of nutrition. But to Porlyusica's surprise, Kia's magic had risen some. Apparently enough, that the pinkette began to stir when the first vial of liquid was placed against her lips.

She blinked a few times as she sputtered at the unexpected liquid that had been poured down her throat. A groan escaped her as she pushed herself upright to avoid choking. Her body was aching and felt sluggish as Kia teetered a little to stay in her upright sitting position.

Porlyusica stepped over to steady the girl, "You fool, you can't be jumping up like that."

"Sorry," Kia's voice came out a little raspy. "Just reacted."

But the old healer didn't get a chance to reply, because the infirmary door flew open as their resident Fire Dragon Slayer burst inside. His eyes were wide when he found his sister sitting upright, even if his ears had heard her voice clearly enough to send him racing for that room, seeing her upright made it all real.

A faint smirk crossed her lips, "Breathe, blockhead."

Porlyusica couldn't help but roll her eyes at the Phoenix Slayer's greeting for her brother. For Natsu, it only reinforced the fact that she was awake and would be okay. He leapt forward, ready to slam into her with a hug like how Happy would do to everyone, but he didn't make it across the room.

"No." Porlyusica snapped firmly, her staff coming down to make contact with the back of his neck. There was less than half a second before he was slamming face first into the hardwood floors. "She doesn't need you charging her like a bull in a china shop."

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