Chapter 1

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Hey guys so this is my first ever book! Ahhhhhh! Yeah I'm pretty nervous but don't be afraid to give any constructive criticism, I'm always open to that kind of stuff.

Also I would like to apologies in advance for any swearing, it will be occasional throughout the novel and I hope it doesn't offend anyone.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoy reading Breaking The Bad Boy and I will see you next chapter!!!

~ Mia0405

The familiar sound of my alarm clock reached my ears. Slowly I opened my eyes and blinked a couple of times.

"Would you turn that thing off?" I jumped and looked to the end of my bed to find the source of the voice. There sat my best friend flipping through a trashy magazine.

"Chloe seriously, it's giving me a headache." Alycia whined without looking up. Leaning over I switched off the noise machine.

"Why are you at my house so early?" I complained flopping back down to stare at my ceiling. I love her but Alycia and I have very different opinion on mornings. She sees them as extra shopping time whereas I would happily sleep into the afternoon.

"School." Alycia replied shortly, "It's the start of a new year and I came to offer my assistance."

"I don't need assistance getting out of bed." I replied, knowing the real reason she came was to make sure I dressed to a reasonable standard. I got up and ran to my bathroom before she could argue with me. Looking in the mirror I was reminded of the canvas I have to work with every day. I have bright blue eyes and short blonde hair. I'm not overly tall, about 5ft 3, and quite skinny. Personally I didn't find myself attractive in the slightest, but then again which 17 year old girl did. Alycia on the other hand, is stunning and she knew it. She has thick dark brown hair that reached her lower back and deep brown eyes that can get her anything she wanted. She is also a couple of inches taller than me and was again very slim. I constantly felt self-conscious next to the girl, and I knew that if we weren't best friends I would probably hate her.

I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth. Being the best feature about me, my hair was fine to leave. I walked back into my room and found an outfit already laid out for me by Alycia. It consisted of black skinny jeans, loose white vest top, white vans and some bracelets. It was perfect of course, Alycia and I have known each other our whole lives and she has grown accustom to picking out good outfits for me. I slipped into my clothes and walked downstairs to meet Alycia in the kitchen where she was talking to my mum about some celebrity they had seen in a magazine. Sometimes I wonder if Alycia and I were swapped at birth as my mum and her would gossip for hours about pointless things like celebrities and fashion. Grabbing an apple I sat down on a bar stool by the island in our kitchen. My family didn't have a massive house but my dad worked really hard to get us a decent lifestyle and house before he died. Throwing away my apple core I looked at the time and realised we were going to be late for school if I didn't prise my best friend away from her conversation soon. I ran upstairs and grabbed my already packed bag and phone from my room. Giving my mum a quick peck on the cheek goodbye I ran out to meet Alycia in her car.

Doing up her seatbelt, Alycia turned the radio on and started singing along to the song they were playing. I tried to ignore her the best I could on the drive to school which was hard as she was using very dramatic hand gestures with her free hand to accompany the singing.

"Can you turn it off already? You know I hate this music." I asked as 'Want To Want Me' by Jason Derulo started blasting through the speakers.

"Come on Clo! It's our last year of school, let me live!" Alycia shouted back and turned the volume up even more. Finally we arrived at the school car park and I hopped out the car, thankful to have my hearing back. Linking arms with me, Alycia looked over at me and smiled as we walked towards the building of hell.

"You smell that", she said closing her eyes, "that is the smell of excitement my friend. Because it's our last year!"

"All I smell is sweaty socks." I said, "Wait, wait I'm getting something else. Oh it's just the overenthusiasm you're giving off." I opened my locker and emptied my bag of books. Although neither of us enjoys school, Alycia definitely has more enthusiasm generally than I do.

Soon the speakers placed around the school blared and the receptionist told all the years where to go for their start of school assemblies. Alycia and I joined the rest of our year on the trek to the theatre. As we were walking, someone bashed into the back of me. Spinning round on my heel I came face to face with the one and only Aiden Jackson. The schools typical bad boy, player and gang leader. Also known as my enemy. He has short brown hair and hazel eyes that capture the hearts of every girl in our school. Well, every girl except me.

"Chloe, what a lovely surprise. How was your summer?" He asked, his eyes mocking me.

"Fine. I would ask you the same but to be honest, I don't give a fuck." I glared.

"Ooooh feisty, I see nothing's changed then." His group of friends had now walked over and were standing behind Aiden, watching the conversation play out. Last time Aiden and I talked it ended with him getting punched in the nose, and I guess they were hoping for another exciting fist fight to play out. Unfortunately Aiden says he 'doesn't hit girls'. Another way to get the girls to love him.

Not giving him the satisfaction of an answer I turned around and walked away quickly whilst Alycia ran to catch up with me. This year is going to be an interesting one, that much is very clear already.

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