Chapter 5

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I stood in the mirror staring at my reflection. Alycia had stayed at my house Saturday night and we spent the whole day Sunday putting together outfits from the new clothes we bought. Before she left Sunday night, she picked out an outfit for me to wear the following day at school. It consisted of light blue 'super skinny' jeans that, according to Alycia, complimented my bum and legs, a light grey tank top and black vans. Due to the temperature rapidly decreasing outside, I had also thrown on a black zip-up hoodie. I turned around and looked at my outfit from the back. My hair was in a need of a wash so I quickly plaited it to the side. Realising that no matter how long I stared at my reflection it wasn't going to give me any confidence, I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs.

Too nervous to eat anything, I grabbed a glass of orange juice and sat in the lounge, flipping through the TV channels.

"You're going to break the remote." Max said as he walked in lounge and plonked onto the sofa next to me. Chucking the remote at him I said goodbye to my mum and sat on the front steps of my house waiting for Alycia. As soon as her car pulled into my driveway I ran over and quickly got in.

"Wow you okay?" She asked worriedly. "You are never ready this early."

"Yeah fine. Can we just go now?" The nerves were starting to show through and I sat on my hands to try and stop them shaking.

"This is about the whole flirting with Aiden thing isn't it? Listen Clo, you are going to be absolutely fine, just like you have been with all the other jobs your boss has given you over the years. Aiden is just a boy and all you need to do is flirt with him a little bit like I showed you." She reassured. However much I wanted to believe her though, I couldn't. Aiden wasn't just a boy. He was Satans' nephew. And I had to do the one thing I didn't have any experience in. Flirt.

"It's not just that. What if I mess up? Or what if he figures out this is another job involving the gang? Or what if I don't get my necklace back?" The words kept tumbling out my mouth. Tears were soon having races down my cheeks as Alycia pulled me into a hug. After a couple of minutes I had calmed back down, but she still didn't let go of my hand even when she started driving us to school. She still didn't let go of my hand when she pulled the car into a parking space. She didn't let go of my hand when we reached our lockers. But she did kind of have to let go of my hand when I had to pee because I drank a whole glass of orange juice that morning and hadn't gone to the toilet before we left.

Alycia dropped me off at my first lesson, which was Geography. Taking a deep breath I walked into the classroom. Not many people were in the class already so I sat in the middle row. Remembering the task at hand, I reluctantly got up and sat at the back. After a couple of minutes of nervous waiting, the door swung open and in walked Aiden. He peered around the room for a couple of seconds before his eyes landed on me. Striding over to the back row he leaned on the front of my desk. I tried to put into practise everything Alycia had taught me and tilted my head down slightly and looked up, batting my eyelashes a couple of times for good measure.

"Hi Aiden." I said in a sweet voice. For a good ten seconds he stared at me like I had grown another head, until he processed what had just happened.

"Hey princess," he replied, smirking down at me, "you're in a good mood. Remember to take your chill pills this morning did we?" I felt the anger inside of me bubble. He was pushing me, to see how far I could go. Challenge accepted.

"Actually no, I'm just happy I get to start the day in a class with you." I smiled.

"Okayyyyyy.........." He said slowly and sat down in the seat to the left of me. The bell rang and the teacher started the lesson. Looking up from my phone, which I had been staring at to avoid eye contact with Aiden, I saw I was surrounded by girls, wishfully gazing at him. Rolling my eyes I turned to the smirking boy to the left of me.

"You're attracting flies." I hissed at him.

"Jealous much?" He questioned, before turning his attention back to the girls staring at him. I glared at him, before going back to facing the teacher. The second the bell rang I raced from the classroom, elbowing my way through the pack of love-struck girls who were still staring at Aiden. Speed walking down the corridor I collided with something solid. Looking up I saw I had walked straight into the back of Jake. Although he was in the same school year as me, I didn't see him much due to us taking completely classes. Jake was super smart and loved maths and engineering. He had a habit of helping Andrew repair our bikes when needed. He turned around and smiled down at me. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as his eyes quickly swept over me.

"You look nice today Green." He commented. Shit, he knew I hated being complemented, it always made things awkward. Remembering all Alycia had rammed into my brain, I took a deep breath.

"Back at you." I replied with a wink. Turning my back on his stunned expression I walked down the corridor to where I could see Daniel at his locker. Leaning against the locker next to his I left out a breath I didn't even realise I was holding.

"You okay?" Dan asked, giving me a puzzling glance.

"Yeah. Want to walk me to English?"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The day couldn't end quick enough. I spent half the time attempting to flirt with Aiden, and the other half of the time avoiding him. As soon as I sat down in Alycias' car I slouched, letting my stomach look as big as it wanted to.

"Having great posture and sucking in your tummy is so hard!" I groaned as the car started.

"True but you did amazing babe! You should be proud." Alycia says glancing over at me, smiling.

"No I honestly didn't. At this rate it's going to take forever to win Aiden over. We need a new action plan other than just the typical flirting tricks."

"Well there's a party coming up at the end of the week, I here Aiden might make an appearance."

"No thanks I would rather sit at home and watch Teen Wolf with pizza." The thought of a party with Aiden at the scene made me feel nauseous.

"I know but this is a perfect opportunity to at least try and get close to Aiden."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2016 ⏰

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