an angel looks upon you

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"...And then, they lived happily ever after." I said. Weird, isn't it? Well. I'm Sabina Cinna and I'm thirteen. And the worst part of my life is this. Participating in a namby pamby toodely kindergarten kid's show. I've got to narrate this story of Cinderella, and I came to our auditorium for rehearsal. My parents think that narrating this story is really great. But I think that narrating this story is A WASTE OF TIME! Come on, who'd narrate a fairy tale again and again. You people are aware of them so be it. Never read them again. And how can I forget her. Behold! My best friend Polly, who gave my name in this show WITHOUT ASKING ME! And believe me, I came to know about this just the next day. 

Well, one good thing. 

I taught Polly how to wrestle.

Now she says that I speak well that's why she gave my name in that horrid list.

"Not bad, Sabina. Well, better luck next time,. You should say the words clearly and with feelings, so that you make your audience happy," Mrs Moore said, our activity coordinist . 

First thing, I'm not intersted in your freaking show. Another thing, I don't mind what the fickle-minded people say to me. 

The ,most important thing-- Shut up, you wormy freak! Who are you to say this to me?

"Sorry ma'am," I tried to control my feelings.

"Well, you can go now," Mrs. Moore said, as if she were a queen giving her meaningless orders. 

I took my handbag and hurrried to my class. Uh oh, Mr. Worm is teaching. I'm dead. THAT GEEK HAS GOT TO TEACH NOW? JUST AFETR MY REHEARSAL? Because that idiot doesn't allow anyone in the class in the miiddle. NOT EVEN LISTENING WHY WEREN'T WE ABLE TO COME. He then tells us to stay out of the class. 

Thank god today he let me in, because he was teaching someting important. 


"So, our VIP. I think I know whom I'm adressing to. Why don't you stand up, VIP?" Mr. Worm said.

I felt something bad. Chill ran down my spine. What is the problem with worms? Aren't they contended with the soil they eat?

"Come here, Sabina. You're the VIP aren't you?" Mr. Worm said.

I gathered my confidence and then said, "Sir, actually Mrs. Moore had callled me for the rehearsal..."   Of course I was interrupted by Mr. Worm. HE even looks like a worm. He's thin as a worm, and has got hair as that of a Medusa. 

"Did you take my permission?" he said plainly.

"Sir, I took Madam Gammy's permission, because she was, teaching us before you did," I said. Controlling over my feelings or the actual self. 

"Well, I don't care what you say to your Mrs. Gammy. All right, I forgive you. Ah! How can I forget the most important part! Punishment! Oh, I so much love to give you all punishments, and I'm always looking for an opportunity to punish you people," Worm said. 

Is he mad? Sabina, this is a statement, a universal truth. 

"So, stand near the door Sabina." Worm said.

All right. This is easy. I can do that can't I? I stood up and without any hesitation stood near the door 

Don't think that I'm duffer or something, and I'm used to such punishments. I do top in my class. But   no one can escape from Worm, isn't it?

"Oh! Sabina. THis is just half your punishment."

What do you mean, worm-head. Is that not all! I told you worms aren't contended  with the soil.

"Just pick up the broom... near the door, if you can see..." Worm said with an evil smile.

I don't have words to say...  

You think I'm mad?

You think I'm mad?


Do I look like a maid to you!

Well, I sure do look like a maid. Yes, I said maid. 

"So, Start now!" Worm said.

I picked up the broom. A hush fell over the class.They waited for what would happen the next. 

Good. Very good. Our headmistress, came into our class. HEr eyes widened when she saw me holding the broom. 

"What are you doing, Sabina? You're not a maid I presume. I think you should be studying." the headmistress said.

I didn't say anything., I was expecting Worm to say. But he stood transfixed,and didn't twitch his jaw at all. 

I spoke, ultimately, "Mam, Mr. Wormen told me to..."

I daren't mention his dubbed name.

"What! What am I listening Mr. Wormen? Sabina, go and sit on your chair. Mr. Wormen, I've got you some important papers to sign. You know, those new gym teachers?" headmistress said.

"Yes, mam," Mr Worm said.

Now he he would have it! I bet the headmistress gonna scold him! I bet. Good, now he's gone. And all the children started to shout again.

"Wow, Sabina, you were excellent!" Polly said.

"Howcome?" I said.

"You chased Worm from the class!" she said.

"The headmistress did," I said droopily.

"What happened?" 

"Why did you give my name in that list?" 

"Because you speak well,"


Just then the bell rang. At last our school got over. It's not that I hate my school, but I was tired and exhausted and wanted to go to my home.

Within a minute or so, I was in my bus. Polly always sits besides me.

"So, what's up?" she said as she sat by my side.

"I'm bored,"

"Tommorow you've got to narrate that story..."

"Why do you remind me of garbage?"

She didn't say anything. 

I wanted to sleep. Of course I would. It takes around one hour from my school to the house. I turned my side to the window and slept, and I had a dream. Day dreams are true, aren't they?

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