Chapter 4 The discussion

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CeCe came with the drinks and food for our group and since there were hardly anyone else, I insisted she sit with us and decide on the coffee menu. Afterall, she was going to be making the coffee and we needed her wise input in what was and wasn't doable by her. Also, the tension in the room was hot and there was just too much testosterone in the air, I needed her to balance out the masculine energy.

"No, you guys decide, I have to do clean-up" CeCe said.

"You can do that later, come sit. We need your input on the coffees, CeCe" I said with a pleading expression in my eyes. I wanted her to rescue me. I hope she understood.

"Yeah CeCe, your input would be very valuable to the group" Rohan added.

"Fine, if you must insist" she said as Rohan scooted inside and she sat next to him.

"Get yourself something to drink too, CeCe" I added. I didn't want her to think she was not valued.

"Good idea, I will go and make myself an iced caramel mocha, which takes a long time to make, while you guys work on the artisan coffees and whatnot" she said with an emphasis on "long" like really stretching it. I gave her an out and she took it. I only wanted to be nice and now she kicked me in the nuts if I had any.

"Fair" was all I said with killer eyes and a curt smile. I hated her for this.

She just gave a pretty big smile and walked away.

"So, back to the signature coffees" Amin interjected. "It is almost summer in Mumbai and it makes no sense to push for espressos and other hot coffee variety, think about adding summer drinks to the mix; why not add coolers and iced teas too?" he said.

"Yeah, why not just close a coffee shop and open a juice bar while you're at it" Rohan said smoothly.

"Why not we focus on coffees first?" I added politely. "We can always diversify our range but right now we need a coffee that defines us."

"Exactly, Jasmine is right" Rohan said agreeing with me which infuriated Amin. I think what struck a nerve with him was not that Rohan was agreeing with me, but that I was disagreeing with Amin. Oh boy.

"I mean to say, let's just get the signature coffee out of the way, then we can focus around it" I added quickly to subdue the tension that was rising.

"Fine. Your iced coffees are good, But the blond roast doesn't give it quite a kick as one needs if you want customers to stay all day and re-order and come back too" Amin said in an unvarying tone. "You could change to a medium or dark roast and perhaps give the customers an option of an extra shot of espresso in their iced coffees" he continued.

"Yes, I quite agree" I said nodding vigorously and procuring a notepad and a pen from my bag making quick rough notes.

"For once you said something that wasn't unproductive nonsense" Rohan added with a good dose of sarcasm. They both locked eyes with each other, almost like they were ready to pounce.

"For your information, I work at a 5-star restaurant as a pastry chef. I graduated first in my class in culinary school and have a hotel management degree. I also have over 5 years of experience in this field. Coffee is not rocket-science that I cannot crack. What do you have to show for yourself? Why are you even in this meeting?" He spat those last words out.

Before I could let Rohan answer and turn this cat café into a boxing ring, I motioned for CeCe to bring her coffee and sit with us. She pretended cleaning the already spotless countertop and ignoring me. "CeCe! Better join while the coffee is still hot" I modulated my voice in a cheerful tone but my jaw was squared and I had daggering eyes at her.

"Yes! It's too hot, let it cool down" she said in the same sing-song fashion.

"Yes, but you're missing out!" I repeated with the same tone.

"What's going on?" Rohan asked distracted by my nonchalant voice but stern expression. He hadn't seen me like this.

"Oh nothing. Was calling CeCe to the discussion but I see we have moved on from coffee to our credentials" I said looking at both of them now.

"Sorry Jasmine. This isn't about us, but about you growing your business. We should focus on that." Rohan said to me with a softness in his eyes, like he was embarrassed of his actions.

"And also, for your kind information, I had a coffee shop too once and we were known for our signature coffees. Jasmine and I may not know each other for that long, but we do have common grounds on which we connect. That's why I am here" he said the last bit directing towards Amin.

"It's okay Rohan, I really appreciate you making time and showing up for me today" I said, smiling at him.

"I show up for you every day, you just happened to make time for me today" he said. I felt like my heart had dropped to my stomach. I felt so guilty. But we didn't fix a time and nor did I think he would come every day and that too for me? I was floored.

"Wow, I... I don't know what to say" I was pink with embarrassment.

"I would like to get to know you better over a coffee someday... without distractions" he said courageously.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want to come between two love birds" Amin said. "Why did you call me, Jasmine? To belittle and embarrass me and make me watch the spectacle of your romance blooming with a complete stranger?" He said with spite in his words. I didn't know what to make of that reaction. I wasn't expecting Rohan to be so bold nor did I expect Amin to be so cantankerous. What had gotten into him?

"What's gotten into you?" I said, tuning in my seat towards him to look him in the eyes, defiantly, angrily, at the spectacle that he was causing. Who did he think he was? Coming in my café unannounced and getting mad at Rohan asking me for a date.

"Nothing. I should leave" he said.

"Keep in touch, Jasmine, I hope you know I value our friendship a lot" he said.

"Okay" was all I could say. I was too angry to say anything good back. And mother always said, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

I watched him gather his stuff and pull out his chair and leave. He usually would go in the play area to meet all my cats, Zesty and Mocha were his favourites, but this time he just walked away without giving them any attention. I almost felt bad for my fur babies. I felt bad for what had just happened too. What was this "meeting" about anyway? My café or a dick measuring competition? Why did Amin feel so threatened by Rohan? Why was this even a thing?

"I'm sorry about that, Rohan" I said. "You didn't deserve that. He is rough on the edges, sure, but he means well, he was just not expecting you too" I completed what I had to say and waited for his response.

"Well never mind about that douche. You didn't answer me" Rohan said almost too instantly.

"Answer what?" I asked.

"Would you go out with me?" he asked. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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