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Roger is such an asshole. Mind you I probably wouldn't be with him if he wasn't rich. He's currently out on a business trip so I'm going to take this as my perfect opportunity to go to the new bar that just opened up.

I do my hair and make up and I disable the location on my phone so Ratty Rog can't track me.

I arrive at the bar to see that I have been spam messaged by him. I turn off my phone and ignore him because I want to enjoy a drink in peace. Tonight is supposed to be distraction to get him off my mind and give me a chance to finally focus on myself.

I take a seat in the far corner and the waitress comes over. I read her name tag. Sara.

"Good evening, what can I get you to drink?" She asks while holding a notepad and a pen.

"I'll take a bottle of whiskey. Im going to need it if I want to drown in my sorrows." I reply.

She makes a note of it on her notepad. 

"Coming right up." She walks off and then comes back after what seems to be around 5 minutes will a full bottle of whiskey and a straw.

"Here you are." I can feel her eyes checking me out and she walks off as I take a sip of the drink. Trying to get Roger off my mind was difficult. I needed something stronger, Something more intoxicating.

I down the whole bottle of whiskey but even that alone isn't enough to get Roger off my mind. I'm in a somewhat drunken state but I find that my eyes keep darting towards the waitress. I catch the waitress glancing at me so I quickly look away and it draws her attention towards me.

She walks over.

"Is everything ok Darling"

"Yeah why wouldn't they be." My words start to get jumbles up to my slight drunken state.

"Well my shift finishes in about five minutes maybe I can give you a life home."

"I'd like that"  The waitress hands me a paper with her number on it and I put it into my bag.

Once her shift finishes Sara helps me into her car and I give her the directions to my address and she drives me back. We pull up on the driveway of mine and Roger's mansion.

Something comes over me and I lean close to her and kiss her before I get out of the car and walk into the house.

"Shibby" I hear Roger call out.

Shit he came back early and he sounds super pissed off.


"I was at the bar ok?"

He goes silent before he comes down the stairs and he throws glass at me then his hand comes up and meets my face with a loud slap.

"Don't you ever go anywhere without telling me again."

He takes his rage back upstairs to bed while I sit on the floor with tears in my eyes. Then I remember that the waitress gave me her number. I decide to message her.



I had just finished in the shower when I see a message on my phone flash up from an unknown number.

Hey Sara, it's me Siobhan the woman from the bar.

     Darling is everything ok?

Well no not really Roger comes back from his business trip earlier and he went into a psychopathic frenzy when I got home.

     That sounds awful.

Yeah he slapped me in the face and then threw a glass bottle at me. I don't feel safe can you come pick me up.

     I will be there as soon as possible stay strong darling.

I immediately jump in my car and drive over to the mansion where Siobhan is. I pull up on the driveway and she is sat outside on the doorway in the pouring rain.

She sees me pull up onto the driveway and her face immediately lights up. She gets onto my car and I take the blanket off the backseat and wrap it around her soaking wet body to keep her warm.

"Thank you for coming Sara."

"Anything for a friend." I knew I had feelings for her but I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

"It kills me asking people for help when I have such an emotionless stone cold villain persona"

"I don't think that you are a villain Darling"

The car ride back to mine is silent apart from the slight chattering coming from Siobhan's shivering body. Once we get to mine I park my car on the road at the bottom of my garden.

"Lets get you inside where its warm and dry"

Siobhan lets out a slight smile.

I give her some of my thick winter pyjamas to change into to keep her warm as she was still slightly shivering.

I lay in my bed and she lays close to me falling asleep. She looks so peaceful while she sleeps. I eventually also find myself drifting off to sleep with Siobhan laying on my chest and my arms wrapped around her.

Everything was so peaceful and quite despite the troubles of earlier.


842 Words.

This is very short but what are your thoughts so far?

My Mialotte fanfic will still be my priority so this fanfic will have slower updates. ~Cherry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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