Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The last Olympian Pages 67-75

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After I ate my breakfast I Started my Job of cabin inspection, with Percy tagging along even though it was not his job. He had to file reports for Chiron but Since Were friends we did our Jobs together. correction I did my Job and Percy did what ever he does. I didn't mind his company he was great at that, keeping me company we made it to the Poseidon cabin and it Was a train wreck, looked over at Pacy and he looked proud he gave himself a four out of five. That was crazy his cabin was messier than most others that had multiple people in it , and he had one. "Your being generous" I joked , l picked up a pair of his old running shorts with the end of my pencil, and acted like they where the most disgusting thing in the world to see his reaction. He immediately Snatched then from the end a my pencil and blurted "Hey give me a break I don't have Tyson cleaning up after me this Summer" I couldn't help but stare at him he has grown over the year or I did,his eyes shimmed in the light and the gray spot in his hair locker as if it was glowing . "three out of five" I managed to get out , for some reason i was really nervous . Next up was the Aphrodite cabin perfect as always I saw pour Selena and said "great Job as usual Selena", she nodded sadly. She looked live she had Just been crying her eyes were red and puffy and she was eating boxed Chocolate. I promised her I would see her later because we had to continue. As i suspected the Apollo end Aries cabins were fighting again. Percy looked confused allays and blurted "What are they fighting over anyway . But i was busy giving both cabins a one out of five,to answer him. But when I was done i said "The flying chariot"."What?""You asked what they where fighting about""Oh OH right"There was something off about him I could feel it. But we moved onto my cabin the Athena cabin. we walked in side and i realized i forgot to clean my bed, i was up so late working on inventions and studying i was so tired to even realize. Inside was Malcolm and my other siblings, when he sow us he put put on a devilish grin and said "We'll wait outside wile you guys finish inspection" They left all giggling and i rushed over to my bed to pick up my Stuff. Percy, was pacing and acting weird again he was not good at hiding things,at all. I could tell something Was Up. I picked up Daedalus laptop, and Percy asked "get any good information from that?"two much" i repliedI finished picking up my stuff and turned to face him. I fixed my hair for some reason now I care how I look. "You know this whole Selena and Bekendorf thing makes you think of who is important and losing people important."He noded his headand blurted. "Um yeah" he studderd"Like... is everything cool with yourFamily ". Here it was again the weirdness."My dad wanted to to go to ancient grease this summer to see—""The Parthenon " he exclaimedmy stomach jumped , he remembered!,I smiled"Yeah"I looked back at the inspection papers disappointed "three out of five for a sloppy head councilor, let's finish your reports for Chiron"After we finished where on our way buck from the big house and Percy stopped me and said "Annabeth"he told me he had a dream about his little mortal girlfriend Rachel, i really was having a good time but he had to bring up her like read the room Percy."Percy" I said my face turning red with anger "Rachel is just a girl""But what if her dream was true- Th- the prophecy"I was so angry i three down my scroll what was up with him" I knew I shoudint have shown you the prophecy it's just scaring you and you run away from things when you are scared"he looked dumbfounded witch made me ever more angry"Me, run away" he said"Yes you, you are a coward Perseus Jackson" I was really upset now and I felt like I was about to explode with anger and sadness, and maybe a little jealousy because he liked her more than me. "And, and if you don't like our chances than maybe you should have gone on vacation with Rachel""Annabeth!""If you don't like our company!" I screamed. He said something after that but I couldn't hear I was to busy running away. I cried the rest of the day in my messy bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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