Chapter five: the meet

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"Ugh, she's not answering my call, what is thay dumb doing?" Yeji asked herself furiously, as she ate her breakfast, to go to her work.

She had been trying to call her mother, but without much success, she decided to call Yeju, her sister, who was eighteen years old and still finishing school. Without having any success in trying to contact her sister either, she left her phone behind and finished eating breakfast and getting ready to go to her work.

Yeji worked at a cosmetics company, where she was in charge of the design area for almost five years. Her work was a little strenuous, sometimes complicated, so much so that she had to stay late at night in the place, to be able to finish some of the many projects that she had to carry out.

However, she was always a workaholic woman and that never bothered her. But now that she was pregnant, some things had to change.

"I'm pregnant." Yeji broke the news to her boss, who didn't even hesitate for two seconds to turn to look at her.

"Pregnant?" The man asked, looking at her questioningly over his glasses.

"Yes, Mr. Park. And well, I just wanted to inform you that, so you know that soon I will not be able to continue extending my duties until very late at night, since I must take care of myself."

She said, while the man kept looking at her, as if he was judging her with that look, but she also knew how upset he probably was with the news.

"I understand."

"At the moment, I can be in charge of finishing all the projects we have by the end of this season, but in a couple of months, we could split my duties with Giselle, she could be very good on the team."

The man remained silent for a few seconds, while Yeji waited for a friendly and positive response to her situation.

"Alright." The man said simply and turned his gaze from her to the screen of his laptop again.

Yeji stayed looking at him in silence, by the time the man looked at her again, she understood that maybe she should leave.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Park." She bowed and the man said absolutely nothing, then Yeji left her office on her way to her own, to finish her work.

Thus, days and then weeks began to pass.

With Lia buying Yeji things for her baby, Yeji happy because soon her belly would start to grow and meanwhile, Ryujin feeling attracted to a girl, who only reminded her of someone else, even though she tried to deny it.


And after three months, Yeji decided that it was the right time to go home and tell her mom and sister everything, except the part where she had gotten pregnant in a one-night stand, of course.

The brunette looked in the mirror and smiled as she adjusted the neckline of her dress. Her breasts would start to grow much sooner and so would her belly, which she could see, but not much, through the long big dress.

She decided to wear a light blue dress that Lia had given her, which reached to her knees, some sandals the color of her hair, day makeup, and a bow in the back of her hair, giving her a pretty natural and simple look.

After finishing getting ready, she saw on her phone a message from her mother, who was rushing her because she wanted to see her. Yeji smiled and rolled her eyes, then grabbed her car keys and left her apartment on her way to her mother's house, which would take at least half an hour or a little more.

"To my mother's house. Yesterday I called her and told her that I had a surprise for her, she immediately told me that she would prepare a welcome dinner for me." Yeji said, as she drove at a not very high speed, when she was almost approaching her mother's house.

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