Time Stuck:1983

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Everything hit the fan at Oklahoma on March 9th,1983. A random portal opened, it had a bright green hue, nearly blinding as it emanated with dark energy in the middle of the sky, leaving civilians terrified and questioning if this was just a public stunt. Their questions were quickly answered after vicious and gut wrenching monsters started pouring from the portals with their blue skin, red eyes,big claws and sharp teeth. As monsters fell from the sky, some died from the impact of falling, forming a pile of dead creatures, creating a soft landing for the other monster spilling out. These creatures started attacking instantly, soon as they made contact with the ground, attacking civilians aggressively with anything within their reach. The civilians ran and screamed in horror, taking cover in buildings. After this attack news quickly spread about what happened causing the public to worry for their safety and what would happen to them. Albert, a 37, cold, introverted, rough lookin man who lives in the woods, found out about what was happening inside the state lines from an old radio that can barely hold up on March 11th.

3 years have passed since the corruption of the world started. The government built a smaller safe zone, away from the portal, leaving behind the other half of the city that was around the city behind. The higher ups announced a way of killing these monsters. The only way to kill them (at the time) was to take a sharp object and stab the back of their necks. With this they formed a hunters association called HQK. In exchange for people going out and killing monsters they would get money, 20.05$ per head. Albert, who managed to survive these 3 years with only a few run-ins with the monsters, decided he was gonna go into the safe zone to restock on more resources like he did every now and then. Before making it to the safe zone he happened to see one of the monsters roaming, looking for its next prey. He knew he had to be rational with his actions, as he knew these things were deadly. He thought instead of attacking it, he could distract it. After rummaging through his bag he found an empty beer can. He thought this could be used as a distraction against the monster. After he threw the can, the monster instantly turned its head to the noise, this was his chance to get past it. He silently made his way past the creature, trying not to make any noise. After a while he was in the clear and was able to pass the safe zone and return home with the resources but along his way back he heard groans and slow walking in the grass.. He instantly stopped in his tracks and looked around. He continued to look around before seeing an injured tall pale male.

Albert brought this mysterious man home and bandaged him up. The man was lucky that Albert just restocked on medical supplies. An hour later the man woke up and groaned in pain while sitting up in bed. He looked around at the rundown cabin before seeing Albert appear in front of him. "How do you feel?" Albert spoke with a low tempered voice while pulling up a chair next to him. "Uh okay, better than before" he replied. "You seem young to be in these parts. What's your name?" he said in return. "Simon." Simon said coldly as he fidgeted with his fingers. Albert nodded and got up from his chair "Albert" he said as he walked off.
"I'll leave tomorrow if that's fine"
"Don't, just stay until you're healed. It's too dangerous to go back in your condition"
"No, I don't wanna be an inconvenience...''
"I said it's fine, now rest."
Albert said, quickly ending the conversation, leaving no room for discussion.
After that day Simon has been living with Albert even after all his injuries healed cause they grew pretty close.

This went on for a couple months until 'IT' happened. Simon and Albert were sitting on the couch watching TV until Albert noticed weird sounds coming from behind closed curtains. "Hold on" he said to Simon as he picked up the remote and paused the movie. He got up and walked up to the window, he hesitated but quickly opened the curtains revealing a portal opened directly in front of the cabin "Simon get ready to fight!' he yelled as he tensed up in worry and fear. He never expected something to happen like this in his lifetime or ever. "Wait- why?" Simon said back as he started to get worried. He sat up but soon as he glanced outside the window he noticed the situation and his face twisted into horror. Simon quickly got up and ran to the kitchen for a knife. Albert continued to watch the portal as he noticed a monster came out.. Oh it's nothing, right? Wrong. A huge raid of monsters followed suit. Albert turned around to see Simon panicking, he quickly walked up to him and grabbed his shoulder. "Get yourself together, didn't you used to be a hunter, huh!?" he yelled with a hint of emotion in his own voice. Albert takes the knife out of Simon's hand and approaches the front door. "You either fight and die or just die." he spoke coldly before opening the door and walking outside. Simon is still clearly shocked about the situation but he pulls himself together after 5 minutes of thinking to himself. He goes to the kitchen and grabs himself another knife before walking out the house to see Albert silently dealing with a very small hellhound.

As Albert finishes killing the hellhound by piercing the back of the neck with the knife he took, he glances at Simon and signals him to deal with the blue goblin approaching. Simon nods and dashes towards the monster swinging its claws but Simon barely manages to avoid its attacks but quickly gets behind it and jab the knife into its neck before pulling out, instantly killing it. These actions were repeated for hours until Simon and Albert surrounded it, with no escape root at all. "I guess this is goodbye, huh?' Albert said tiredly while panting but he still kept the knife clenched in his hand tightly. Simon didn't reply and just kept his knife clenched as he panted, suddenly he tried to attack a monster again but the knife was knocked out his hands..oh no. Before he could react his shoulder was bit by a hellhound from behind and his stomach plunged by a dagger that another beast had. As the monster pulled the dagger out of Simon's stomach, he quickly fell to the ground while a pool of blood spilled from underneath him. "Simon!" Albert yelled as he watched him drop to the ground, surrounded by tall grass. Suddenly snow started to fall from the clouds, Albert glanced up at the clouds and breathed out, relieving himself from the situation and smiled softly. He closed his eyes and took his last breath.

TIME STUCK: 1983Where stories live. Discover now