Part 6

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(Harry's POV)

Today I thought it would be fun for me and Freddie to back some cookies plus it'll be a nice treat for Louis after he has his plate of saved lunch I did most of the baking but i did let Freddie add some ingredients and mix the bowl but now I'm putting the cookies in the oven which I explained to him that it wasn't safe for him to do it and that I had to do it

"Once the cookies are out of the Keven and have cooled down enough we can put icing on them" I tell Freddie cleaning up the counter while the cookies bake and he got super excited about that I pull out all the colours of frosting I bought from the store yesterday and Freddie starts reaching for them "whoa whoa wait buddy we have to wait for the cookies to finish ok" I tell him "ok hazzy" he says

Once the cookies are finished cooling of me and Freddie start decorating them "great work buddy the cookies look amazing" I say combing my hand through his hair "will daddy like them" Freddie asks "oh I'm sure he is going to love them now how about we clean you up your beginning to look like a cookie yourself" I say picking him up to clean him

When Louis comes home Freddie runs to hug him "hi daddy" he says and Louis laughs "hello little lad how was your day" he asks walking up to me with Freddie in his arms "good we made cookies right Freddie" I say and Freddie nods his head happily "really hope you didn't eat all of them" he says tickling Freddie I smile at how good of a father Louis is to Freddie

"Don't you worry their is cookies left over for you along with your plate of lunch" I say and we go about our normal routine I leave for college I will say it seems it's getting harder for Freddie to say goodbye to me each day but I always promise to be back tomorrow and I find it a bit hard myself but I told myself before starting not to get attached

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