Who am I and why did I create this?

874 61 183

Short version:

My name is Raven. I work from home and I have horrible insomnia, I have been up 25 hours while writing this and still going, so I am practically always online to help or chat. I created this so people could have a centralized location to meet up and find help.

Long Version:

I have been a reader on Wattpad for about 4 years. Two years ago I created an account with every intention of posting my stories and lack of confidence kept me from doing so. About a month ago a friend told me to just to go for it and put it out there. I figured this would be a piece of cake since I had been on Wattpad for so long, that was until I started trying to post my story. My first problem was why is my tab button not working? Best answer Wattpad does not recognize the tab function, at least not for me, and maybe not for you either. I realized then just how hinkey Wattpad really is. :) So I got my story posted, had 0 followers and thought now what? How do I get someone to read it? I'm still in the writer's closet, and some on my reader account know me in real life, so that wasn't an option.

I headed to the threads for the first time and didn't read the guidelines. You should read the guidelines at the top of the club since apparently it tells you where to post, what to post, and what not to post. The threads for me were kind of like being the new kid in high school. You are walking to a group of people that have posted and talked with each other for quite a while, and jumping into the middle of their conversation. Don't get me wrong I have met some really nice people that welcomed me with open arms. I also met some that were just having a really, really bad day.

My real discouragement for the threads and idea started to form when I tried to get help making a cover. I created a thread asking for help with a question. I don't feel people were intentionally not answering me, I don't think anyone had enough time to see my question. If the threads are busy yours can quickly get pushed to the back pages. I bumped it a few times, which you're not supposed to do, but I did and started worrying if I did it to much I would get put on probation or something. I walked away frustrated, without an answer, and thinking there has got to be an easier way than this.

Talking to people in threads and PM's I realized I am not the only one that feels this way. There are a lot of us who are looking for answers to a question, get a friendly critique or advice, meet someone new to writing, or get encouragement. Wattpad has no club for new writers or people new to Wattpad you can only create a thread that could get lost into oblivion. Then I just decided maybe I should create a centralized location where we could all garther. I put the idea on a thread and people thought it was a good idea.

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