love bites

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"Good morning, baby," Julie smiled as she kissed your face, causing a grin to pull at your lips despite just having woken up.

"Good morning, my love," you said before yawning and stretching your arms and legs out. "What's the time?"

"Almost nine-thirty. We have to get ready to go. We have plans with the girls, remember?"

"Yeah. Give me a couple of minutes and I'll eventually drag myself out of bed." You said before closing your tired eyes.

Julie shook her head with a smile.

"I know you're tired. I'm tired too. We didn't get much sleep. Maybe we should've gone to sleep earlier."

You opened your eyes and shook your head before pulling her closer.

"I'm okay with being tired. Last night was just amazing." You spoke with a contented sigh.

"It was." She agreed before letting her eyes wander across your body.

They eventually landed on your neck and when she looked at you, you could see the smirk tugging at her lips.

"What's that look for?" You wondered.

"Nothing. We should get ready." She said before kissing the corners of your lips.

You sat up and swung your legs over the bed before standing up.

Going over to the closet, you grabbed something comfortable and simple.

Just a pair of shorts and a comfortable shirt which was perfect for the weather today since it was supposed to be warm and sunny.

"You should add a scarf to that," Julie said from across the room.

You looked over at her to see her leaning against the wall with her toothbrush in her hand.

"Why? Is it Autumn again already?" You asked jokingly.

"No. But you'll see why in a second." She replied before she went to rinse out her mouth.

You shook your head, thinking she was just being silly.

You walked into the bathroom and set your clothes on the counter as Julie stepped away from the sink to dry her mouth with the hand towel.

Picking up your toothbrush, you finally looked at your reflection and you gasped when you saw all the love bites that Julie left behind last night all over your neck.

"Oh, my god!"

She laughed.

"You left so many!"

"Yeah." She agreed with a little smirk.

"Julie, come on," You whined. "Don't look at me that way, please."

"Why? I'm pretty proud of myself. I think you look hot."

You playfully rolled your eyes at her, though you couldn't deny how her words made your heart flutter.

"I just don't want the girls to see or anyone else for that matter."

"You don't like them?" She asked as she came over to you, wrapping her arms around you.

"That's untrue. I love them, you know I do. But I like what we do to stay behind closed doors. Your fans don't need to know about what we do in private."

She hummed before kissing your lips softly.

"I know, I'm just teasing you. How about we try a little makeup over them and if that doesn't work, you can swap your t-shirt for a turtleneck or add a little scarf and just say it's a fashion statement."

You chuckled but nodded.

"You'd help me."

"Of course, my love. Look, I might tease you about it but trust me, I like keeping that part of our lives and relationship private just as much as you do. The world doesn't need to see your love bites to know how in love we are."

You smiled against her lips as she kissed you again.

"Brush your teeth and then we'll try the makeup and go from there. We have a few minutes to spare."

"Okay. Thanks, baby."

"No problem, cutie," She replied as she walked out of the bathroom to get dressed, leaving you smiling brightly and feeling so insanely in love.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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