10. Warmth & Wrong directions

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[Time skip to the concert afternoon one week later, because your author is lazy]

Dokyeom's POV :

Saying 'I am nervous' doesn't fully tell you how jittery I am. My hands are damp, my heart is racing at 120 beats per minute, and my head is spinning so much I might pass out.

But why am I so wound up?

It's not like I'm meeting someone famous, right?

"Oh, honey. It's fine to be a bit on edge. But don't worry, everything will be okay. He's a good guy."

"Mom, you're making it sound like a date."

"Isn't it?"

I'm thankful my mom is driving me there. Her funny jokes are keeping me from freaking out completely. But I bet she's got something sneaky planned. I can see that twinkle of mischief in her eyes.

"What are you up to? And don't give me any silly stories, Mom."

"Me? Up to something? Only if you mean my shopping spree plans with your sister for some girly stuff." My mom tried to look shocked.

"Yeah, I need to get some nail polish, hair clips, makeup, maybe a purse, some bras, and a few dresses," my sister added from the back seat, glued to her phone.

"Got it," I said, even though I didn't quite believe them. They're definitely plotting something, I can feel it.

"And, grab me another one of those lip balms you got last time. It was nice," I told Seunghee, and she just nodded.

Joshua's POV:

Finally, the day has come to meet Dokyeom face-to-face after chatting online for over three months. I'm super excited. I've planned everything for a perfect evening because I still feel bad about the mix-up last week.

I got to our meeting spot 20 minutes early, brought a little gift for Dokyeom, and booked us a table at a dog-themed café for after the concert.

I hope it all goes well.

My daydreaming stopped when a white SUV parked nearby. Dokyeom had told me his mom would drop him off.

Is that him?

A guy with soft brown hair and a warm tan got out, and a woman in her forties joined him. When he turned around, I saw his face, full of excitement and nerves, and an innocence that's just magical.

Dokyeom? It's definitely him.

I didn't think twice before walking over to where he stood.

"Hi," I said, giving a small bow to him and the woman I guessed was his mom.

"Shua Hyung?" Dokyeom's voice was just as dreamy as he looked.

"Yep, it's me," I replied, feeling a bit shy until he gave me a big hug.

He's so cozy and gentle. I didn't want to let go, so I hugged him back.

"Hey, Hyung. I'm so happy we're finally meeting," he said, letting go of the hug.

I suddenly felt a chill.

"Hey, Dokyeom, I'm thrilled to see you too. I've been waiting for this moment."

"Hi there. Mr. Charming. It's great to finally meet the guy my son can't stop talking about. I'm Dokyeom's mom," she said, reaching out her hand, but then she pulled me into a hug instead.

"Ah, why bother with handshakes for my son's friend?" she said, stepping back. "Have a great afternoon, you two. I'll be back to pick up Minnie at 7, okay?"

"Sure, Ms. Lee," "Okay, Mom," we both said.

She left after giving us both another hug. She's so warm and caring. It's clear she's done a great job raising her kids.


"I can't believe we're actually here, together. Thanks for coming, Hyung."

"It's my pleasure. I've got a little surprise for us after the concert. I think you'll like it."

"A surprise? Now I'm curious. I'm sure it'll be great."

 "Great! Let's head to the concert venue first, and we can talk more about it afterwards." 

"Alright, off we go," Dokyeom chirped, his steps brisk and eager as he headed the wrong way from the gate. The sinking sun cast a warm glow on his skin, his hair dancing with each step he took in the mistaken direction.

A full minute passed before he caught on to his error.

"Everything cool, Hyung?"

I couldn't help but chuckle, realizing he was still clueless.

"Hyung~" Dokyeom's voice carried a playful whine as he sauntered back to me. He latched onto my hand, tugging gently.

"Why the laughter?" I remained rooted, my laughter echoing. He released my hand and turned away, his pout striking a chord within me.

I couldn't resist; I clasped his hand again and guided us both towards the correct path, a smile playing on my lips at his adorable mistake.

"You were heading the wrong way, Kyeom." I said smiling a little when I saw him blush.


I'll stop here for today. Cuz i am out of my creative zone rn and this is a important part of the story so i don't want to make it sound boring. Therefore, a short chapter for today.

I am sorry for late update.

I will update soon.

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