chapter 11

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Jungkook wasn't back yet it had been 2 days, which is why Tehreem was now standing in front of minji room, she knocked and went in "yes Tehreem?" "I wanted to talk to you" she nodded and asked her to sit "can you please let me meet my mother, I promise you that I'll be back no one will know" "I have no problem with you meeting your family dear, but jungkook would create fuss if he found out" tehreem leaned forward "I promise he won't know just please its been so many days mom, I miss my mummy and Dadi please" minji bites her lips contemplating "if you want to go then I've no problem but be careful" she nodded and hugged her "thank you thank you" she says and ran out of the room happily but minji was scared about jungkook's reaction if he found out. Tehreem waited until it was dusky, she went to the guestroom and kept the room dark so No one can see her, she peeked through the curtains, there were 2 guards patrolling. With utmost care she opened window and jumped out, tehreem kept her tongue wet with dhikr and supplications. She walked along the boundary wall so it was hard to detect her in dark, whenever one man turned toward her she would halt and hid behind the the plants. Her heart was beating fast, sweat drops were started to form on her neck as she made her way, she cursed jungkook for having a huge house the lawn itself was kilometer long and the fear of getting caught was making her dizzy. Finally the main gate came in view, but the problem was light that illuminated whole area. Another guard was sitting in the cube talking on his phone, she sat down and took small steps so he couldn't spot her through the window, she gulped nervously when she was a few meters away from the gate. She continued to take baby steps until she opened the door with utmost caution and then she stepped out. Tehreem closed the door behind her and stood up to run, she breathed a sigh of relief and patted the sweat dry. Tehreem turned around to run but bumped into something hard, she held her forehead where pain shot up "is little birdie trying to flee from her cage" her eyes widened, she snapped her eyes up to find jungkook standing there with bored expressions, she couldn't make out if he was angry or not "can't I leave the house for a day?" She gulped anxiously "Jackson" he calls without moving his eyes from her "fire these shitheads and bring someone who can do one job properly " Jackson nodded and went in to deal with them "please let me see my mother " she pleads "I told you to not test my patience but I think it's your favorite hobby these days" "I promise I will come back just for an hour please let me see how are they doing" he nodded "what were you saying the other day, where's that feisty mint margarita hmm?" Tehreem wanted to slap his face again very badly "when I tell you something what should you do?" She grits her teeth "is little birdie angry?" He chuckles darkly "let me go" he raised his eyebrow finding her confidence amusing "what if I dont, will you slap me again" "what is your problem" "your disobedience" "I'm not your servant to be at your service, just go to hell stupid idiot" he sighed and grabbed her wrist "leave me" He pulled her inside the house as she kept fighting his grip, minji stood up when she heard them, she was afraid this would happen "jungkook let her go" minji stood in front of him "I'll deal with you later" he grits and dragged her along "if you ever tried this stunt again I'll lock you in the basement, if I'm being nice don't tempt me to show you my worst side" "your every side is worst side a human can have, you've already ruined my life at least be human enough to not make it hell for me" His lip tugged upward "I'm glad to hear that, and that was actually the plan to make your life hell. Do you think I married you out of love or some bullshit, this is what you get for going against me, for raising your hand on me, for raising your voice on me" she stared at him for a moment "do you think Allah will let all of this slide without holding you accountable for your actions" her lips quivered but she regained her composure by taking a sharp breath "do you think there won't be any consequences of this oppression" he twisted her wrist making her yelp in pain "I'm jeon jungkook, only I can punish people who dare to go against me. No one can touch a single hair of mine " she laughed "you'll be taken out of this delusion soon inshaAllah, you will taste your own medicine " he grits his teeth and shove her aside before going out of room.
Tehreem didn't know when she fell asleep, she had been really tired emotionally and mentally. She was completely cut off from her loved ones, how's her team doing, will they be worried about her? They must know by now that jungkook forced her to marry him. Is Mehmet pasha taking care of his mother and Dadi, she has all the questions in her mind but no one to answer, no one to calm her mind. She saw herself sitting between Nadia and Dadi on couch, aleena was talking about her new obsession animatedly. They were all laughing sharing their stories with eachother, Nadia was about to embrace her but she felt someone shake her "get up" her eyes snapped open, she took in her surroundings, first thought that came to her mind was something happend to her mother, she felt difficulty in breathing "get up" within instant she sat up "w-what happened to mumma" she held jungkook's collar "where i-is s-she" she says hysterically. Jungkook frowned not understanding what was going on with her "where is she please tell me" she sobbed, fisting his shirt, shaking him. Jungkook gulped looking at her tear stained face, the dim light made them look like pearls. He gently held her face "calm down baby, she's fine your mother is fine at her home, breathe for me come on, relax everything's alright" as if jungkook's voice brought her out of her head space, she stared at his face then to her hands. Her mind was having hard time processing the situation. She gulped and when realization starts kicking in her eyes widened, she immediately released his shirt, stepping back. His hands felt empty as soon she moved away from him, tehreem avoided looking at him. Rachel who stood there silently felt enraged by the nickname he called her, so she took the matter in her own hands "he told you to get out are you deaf" tehreem noticed her "or do you want to watch us" Rachel held her arm and pushed her out "now do not disturb us" she says and closed the door locking it. Jungkook stood there lost in thoughts "jungkookie " she back hug him, her hands roaming on his body "it's been so long" she continues seductively, it doesn't take her long before bringing his attention back to her.
Tehreem sat on the couch without her dupatta as it was left in the room, she continued eating ice cream from the container as it helped calming her nerves "tehreem what are you doing here at this hour?" Minji asked who came out to get some water "are you okay?" "Yes I'm fine" minji sits beside her tucking her strand behind ear "what's wrong?" Tehreem sighed "actually your son brought someone home and asked me to leave if I dont want to watch them do the deed" she says casually while eating, "oh my God" minji looked horrified "how can he do that" "let them be mom, what difference would it make anyway" she shrugged "why don't you sleep with Hala she must be awake watching her favorite shows as tomorrow's weekend" minji suggested "what if she's asleep I'll go to guest room" minji shakes her head and motioned her "come with me" so she followed her, minji knocked on door, within 5 seconds Hala opened it. She looked surprised "Hala do you mind if tehreem stays with you" her mouth formed into a smile "how can I possibly mind, I want her to stay with me forever" she pulls tehreem in who smiled at her enthusiasm "good night girls" "goodnight mom" both says in unison "I'm so excited" Hala adds "I ate your ice-cream sorry for that" "No worries eat as much as you want" "what were you watching?" Tehreem asked and Hala starts blabbering non-stop about the Netflix season she's been watching recently. They both watched the show whole night while tehreem took break for praying her Salah. For hijab she used hala's scarf which her father brought from turkey. Hala dozed off soon after that so tehreem paused the show and covered both of them before drifting back to sleep.
Jungkook came down along Rachel and went straight to the dining table, he looked around to find that one face but couldn't "Sofia bring me a cup of tea the one I had other day" minji doesn't say anything she ate her breakfast silently "where's she?" MinJi looked at him angrily "don't worry, she hasn't escaped this prison if that's your concern" Rachel glance between them. Sofia put a cup of tea in front of him and serve juice to Rachel "why are you angry?" Jungkook inquired making her scoff in disbelief "I'm perfectly fine jungkook I want to eat in peace if you'd please stop your investigation now" he doesn't say anything else "jungkookie take me on shopping " Rachel grabbed his arm and started feeling his muscles underneath her palm "I'm not in a mood" "come on its weekend let's have a fun time" she insisted, minji was annoyed by her shrill voice so she decided to leave from there instead of watching their nonsense "mom" he calls "why are you doing this?" "What is the matter why are you avoiding me like that?" He held her hand "jungkook you should be ashamed of yourself, you've already ruined tehreem's life now this is too much" she points toward Rachel "you agreed that I can live my life, the way I used to, remember now why are you making it a problem" minji pulled her hand back "that was in case of fariyah, you weren't forced into marrying her neither was she, you both agreed on living your life that way. God knows when will Mehmet pasha ambush you and teach you lesson" jungkook grits his teeth "she is just as fariyah to me, both mean nothing and I don't care what Mehmet pasha will do" minji nodded "good for you" she says defeatedly and walked away "jungk" "get out " he cuts her short, Rachel eyes widened momentarily "but jungkook" he snapped his head toward her, angry eyes stared at her "I won't repeat myself" she nodded and got up running out of the house. He sat there looking at the tea blankly, when events of last night came in his mind, how she clung desperately to his shirt, he always wanted to see her like that then why did it hurt him, her sobs were ringing in his ears, her tears stained face everything was hurting him. He married her for the sole purpose of destroying her peace but why was his peace on stake. He got up and went toward hala's room knowing well she would be there. He opened the door slowly, the room was dimly lit, he walked in making sure to not bump into anything. His eyes fell on the two figures lying on bed, Hala was almost lying above tehreem. Her legs were drapped over hers, arms wrapped around her waist and if that wasn't enough her head was lying on her shoulder. Tehreem one had was resting on her stomach while other was wrapped around hala's back, she looked so peaceful, her features were soft and relaxed unlike when she's awake and looking at him. He went near and crouched down, jungkook sometimes felt hard to breathe when he was this close to her. This morning too he woke up holding her dupatta, he couldn't help himself, she smells like heaven. Hala shifted a bit, she opened her eyes but jungkook put his finger on his lips to tell her keep quiet, Hala frowned and gestured him to leave the room and hugged tehreem even closer, who turned her head to the other side. He cursed Hala mentally for ruining his sight and stood up to let them sleep.
Jungkook was in his office, Jackson came in to inform him that Mehmet pasha is here, he nodded and asked him to bring him in "what an unpleasant surprise pasha, have a seat" Mehmet doesn't respond "so what is your purpose of visiting me?" She cut short all formalities "jungkook why have you imprisoned tehreem?" He raised his eyebrow "and how is that your concern" pasha glare at him "jungkook it's been month now, her family wants to meet her stop this nonsense already" jungkook leaned back spinning the pen between his fingers "this is my problem you don't need to get involved in this matter" "I need to get involved" he doesn't contain his anger "may I know why?" Jungkook asked calmly "I'm warning you young boy, leave tehreem, she doesn't want to be with you don't make me deal with you in my way" jungkook grits his teeth "she's my wife, I won't leave her at any cost do you hear me. Keep your useless threats to yourself. And this is the last time I'm hearing you talk about my wife, don't dare to talk about her ever again" Mehmet smirked "your wife? You forced her. This relationship has no value to her, she would take every opportunity to get away from you and this label you've put on her" "she can try all she want but I won't let her succeed" "don't test me jungkook, if I'm being nice don't tempt me to show you your place" "what is your association with her" jungkook asked calmly, he saw pasha face change color before he regained his composure, he cleared his throat "I'm among the ones who want to see her happy" jungkook raised his eyebrow "and I'll set her free from this relationship soon" Mehmet adds, jungkook in an instant hopped on the table and grabbed his throat, eyes fierce "I won't hesitate in killing you right here right now, stay away from her" Mehmet tried to release himself from his grip, his face red from anger as well as his choking hold on his throat "get out bastard " jungkook says as he let him go "just wait and watch jungkook what I'll do to you" Mehmet growled before walking out of his office. He called Jackson after that "Keep eye on him, I want to know his every single interaction with her family" Jackson nodded "any update about the ladies, are they alive?" Jungkook asks casually as he sits back on his chair "yes sir Lucas is still keeping me updated about them, miss tehreem's mother is getting quite weak with each passing day. They are still mourning about what happend month ago" "that's obvious Jackson, ask Lucas to take them to doctor for checkup can't let them die out of grief now" he ordered "Sir may I suggest something if you allow" jungkook looked at him "make sure it's not something stupid" he nodded "if you dont want miss tehreem to leave the house why don't you take her mother and grandma to meet her at your house" jungkook sighs "this way she won't try to escape again and maybe she'll fall in love with you if continue to show small gestures like that" jungkook scowled at him making him regret getting too comfortable with jungkook "or maybe not, at least she will not run away" Jackson quickly added "I'm already facing the consequences of listening to you" "but sir you achieved what you wanted" he just throws him a dirty look "at what cost?" "There's always a cost of each action sir" jungkook leaned back "exactly like too much talking can cost you life" Jackson shut his mouth right away.

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