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Just then, a presence loomed behind me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. Slowly, I turned, coming face to face with the vampire himself. His piercing red eyes bore into mine.

"J..Ju..ng..kook"I muttered as he harshly pinned me against the wall.

He is angry.

"What do you want here?" he hissed, his voice laced with menace.

"I-I" I was afraid of him.

"Didn't I order you not to come here?" he tightened his grip.

"I am s..sorr..y" I murmured but the sound was enough for him to hear.

The vampire's expression darkened for a moment. But then, something in his gaze shifted, and a twisted smile spread across his pale lips.

"Curious, are you?" he purred, his breath ghosting across my face. "Well, then, perhaps I can... entertain your curiosity."

I asked myself Is he bipolar or something?

Then I wondered I have power now but why I am so weak in front of him?

He crept closer to my ear. His sharp canines grazed my earlobe, as he whispered, "You have entered my domain,There is no escape, baby girl." His voice sent shivers down my spine.


I stared blankly at the window thinking about what happened earlier.

I have to escape as soon as possible I thought.

Then A sudden noise broke my reverie, and I turned to see the door creak open. He stood there, the vampire who saved me from the woman's attack and brought me here.

Oh god I am stuck because of him.

"Still staring at the world outside?" he asked, his voice a mix of amusement and something I couldn't quite place.

"What else is there for me to do?" I replied, my tone more bitter than I intended.

He stepped closer, the moonlight casting shadows that danced across his face. "You are right though" he said softly.

"Can you at least tell me your name?"

"Call me Felix"

                       Author POV

For a moment Felix was lost in her beauty. His heart sped up and without realising it his hand went towards her cheek, feeling her soft skin.

"Umm...Felix", she said but he came closer and closer until her back hit the window.

Then he took a knife out of his pocket.

Y/n closed her eyes thinking he was going to cut her.


He threw it outside the window at a crow.

The shot was perfect but the crow was too fast to fly away.

The crow let out a harsh, grating caw that echoed through the room, making y/n flinch before it flew away. It was a sound that sent chills down her spine.

The crow's eyes were red as hell. She hasn't seen a crow with red eyes ever in her life.

Felix spoke as his gaze darkened," This time it's not a werewolf but a demon, huh?"

To be continued....

Votes and comments are appreciated.

Don't you think y/n is kind of suspicious?Is she avoiding something?Is there any goal that she wants to accomplish? Let me know your opinion on the comments.

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