Chapter 7 - Bigger than the whole sky

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Travis's POV

Waking up to a call from taylor's Publicist was not what I expected. But it was how i woke up.

"Tree, hi" i said with my morning voice

"Travis I don't want to scare you," Her words do the complete opposite,

"What is happening?" I asked sitting up quickly in bed and grabbing a pair of shorts off the floor.

"The show ended about 10 minuets ago, taylor is currently with medical staff..." My mind froze.

"Is she okay?" i ask not letting her finish.

"She is okay she is with her mom, she is most likely struggling from heat exhaustion." I hang up the phone and text reid,

Travis - You can Hate me as much as you want i am not going to be in training today or tomorrow,

I don't wait for a reply and I book a direct flight to Brazil. I text tree and tell her my plan.

8 hours later I am holding taylor in bed, she is crying in pain and her skin is hot to the touch.

"I'm sorry," She cries as I rub her back.

"Don't be sorry love you didn't do anything," I said kissing her hair.

We fall into a silence authough it isnt silent, every few seconds she moands in main and cries out.

"I am trying to get tomorrow's show moved you can't go on stage like this," Tree said walking into the room her ipad open on her emails and her phone on speaker phone.

"Nice to see you travis," She said acknowledging me for the the first time since I had arrived.

"Please tree," Taylor begged. She was in no state to perform on stage.

Taylor's POV

Touching down in missouri after my last south america show was the best feeling, i needed a brake and I would get to spend the next 2 months with travis,

I still felt so bad for him and my fans, I had postponed 2 shows in 2 weeks and he had gotten in trouble at work for taking 2 days on in the middle of the season,

He met me on the ground and pulled me into him, the last time he had seen me I was crying in pain. He wanted to stay longet but couldnt,

"I am so proud of you my love," He said kissing my head.

"I love you," I whispered and he took my hand and pulled me into the backseat of the car waiting for us.

"Can we get married?" I ask, seemingly out of nowhere but in my head it made sense.

"What," He said snapping his head over at me.

"Not right now, But like can we make a promise we will get married?" I asked bitting my lip.

"I still have the ring," He said kissing me lightly.

"No you still have to propose properly thank you," i laughed

"I plan on it," He laughed with me

"Just a promise you will propose to me and actually marry me this time," Saying the last part hurt but i needed him to know how much this ment.

"I promise I will propose to you and marry you,"

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