Chapter One

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Fee-fi-fo-fum. Ask not whence the thunder comes. Ask not where the herds have gone. Nor why the birds have ceased their song. When coming home, don't take too long. for monsters roam in Albion.

"George, you're up."

"Sorry, Father." the boy rubbed his eyes a tied look taking control of them as he shifts his fingers with the book "They  woke me" Voice low and exhausted

"Jack, heh, it's a thunderstorm."

"mum used to say... they  made the thunder." voice trembled annoyance and regret seeping through his careful words "Look." Young George lifted up the brown book old and clearly loved small marks showing its years of being read.

"Where did you find that?" His dad asked with concern 

"Along with her old things. Will you read the rest to me?"

"All right." The man replied climbing in next to George a quick huff of agony as he moved into a comfortable position

"Where're we up to?"

"The were to find God, so they made magic... Magic seeds.-"

 "Aye, I remember now."

"With they pulled from a pod... the monks grew a pathway to seek out God. When they came to what they thought...was heaven's gate... they met with a terrible, fate. For and was a... place. Gantua, home to a race. With a now them to the of men... a of descends. Taking a cue from the of kings... they a taste... for things. But the one that them to lose all control..." "Was a for the mankind..."

"blood, and all."

"Well, that's revolting." Young Alex shook his head the disgusting idea prone in his mind

"Too scary, Alex?" Her arm was wrapped around the young boy almost shielding him from the outside world

"Giants aren't scary."

"Not even their terrifying leader, a monstrous giant... with two heads?"

"Keep reading, Mother. It's just a story."

"Is it?"

"King Erik... bade the monks return to dark arts... to find some way to rule hearts So they one down mixed in magic and more and they crafted a crown unlike any before. King Erik's magic crown.

"This is my favorite  part."

"As soon as the king took the crown in hand...the giants were his every command. He sent them back to the place of their birth. Their home now a prison between heaven and earth. Erik severed the link between giants and men. And peace returned to his kingdom again. 

The mystical relics... were all that remained... safe with Erik through the years that he reigned. And when time came at last for King Erik to sleep...he took crown and seed with him..."...for permanent keep. And as the king's bones slowly crumbled away... truth became legend."

"What will happen" George asked eyebrows raised "when the giants come back?" There was no fear in the boys eyes

"They won't, son."

"But what if they do?" a question the boy was asking not out of frightening fear 

"George Well, I guess the king's Guardians. will have to cut them down to size."

"I wanna be a Guardian."

"You have the spirit. No doubt about that. The king's Guardians must be born... of noble blood. There's not much in ours but dirt and sweat. It's only a story, George. Giants aren't real."


"But king Erik was real" Alex wondered staring up at his mother

"He was. In some ways, he still is. You're of his blood."

"I've seen where he's buried." Alex mumbled proudly 

"In the royal catacombs? Sounds like you've been having... some adventures of your own" Alex's mother moved a hair out of the boys face looking into his eyes she knew the dangers

"Am I in trouble?"

"Not at all." but then again what was a life without danger "I want you to have adventures. It'll make you a better king"


"Because you'll get to see how the world works. And when you're queen, you'll have the power to make the world a better place. Now off to sleep."

"Now off to sleep. Sweet dreams..."


"Leave that one." George nearly shouted as his father was about to turn the light off

"All right. Now get some sleep, son. We have to be out on the field before first light."

"Father. How do you know giants aren't real?"

"I don't."

"And jealous eyes are looking down...on peaceful fields in Albion. An enemy vows will come a day...when giants return and giants stay. To wage a war...and this time win...And to eat the last..."...of Erik's kin."

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